Arktide - Melodic Folk Metal from Atlanta, GA

Folk metal to me....well the serious stuff is all about heritage and folklore from you nations homeland. There are just way to many bands now jumping on the viking thing because they know it sells Wizard, Rebellion, and even Stormwarrior. Lots of bands have made a mockery of it....Swashbuckle and even Alestorm (who I actually like).

I figure if you are going to be a folk metal band from the US. You should be dressed up as pilrgims and singing about giving smallpox to the indians, witchhunting, and flipping the bird to Britan. 2 cents.
Folk metal is not my thing, but I have to agree with Diabolik on this.
It's the same way that I can't really take 15 year old suburban black metal or viking metal bands seriously.

Sure, its just image and lyrical content, but if you are going to go down that path of heavy lyrical subject matter, and obviously have little or no connection to it, how genuine can it be?

I understand that in the end its just music and entertainment, and shouldn't be taken TOO serious. Let's be realistic....Would this band exist if Pagan Fest USA never happened?
I can't really take folk metal bands from the US seriously either. I mean let's face it -- they're not vikings! Now bands from Germany singing about slaying dragons I can deal with...they obviously have some expertise in that area. Or even a band like Manowar singing about heavy metal. They're heavy as fuck!!! But folk metal? Don't even try.
I can't really take folk metal bands from the US seriously either. I mean let's face it -- they're not vikings! Now bands from Germany singing about slaying dragons I can deal with...they obviously have some expertise in that area. Or even a band like Manowar singing about heavy metal. They're heavy as fuck!!! But folk metal? Don't even try.

thank you....finally someone gets what I am talking about. Like Jasonic serious can you take a high school band from the suburbs serious if they are doing harsh black metal. I am not trying to say there are rules, but if you do something like better have thick skin because you are going to be opening yourself up to lots of criticism.
obviously have little or no connection to it, how genuine can it be?

Unless your band comes from Middle Earth you are not allowed to sing about wizards and dragons and magic.

welp, so much for about half of metal music
Suburban kids playing folk metal dressed up in silly garb is the same as suburban kids playing Dungeons and Dragons. Nothing wrong with either of them, and has more to do with imagination, fantasy and enjoying themselves. Sure, one should be careful what they are singing about. If they are singing about great Ireland and such, and are not Irish, it starts to be a bit ridiculous. If they have Nordic blood and sing about vikings, well that seems mostly okay to me. No different than the great Chicago and Boston irish punk bands. Its just that the music has to be meaningful to them and genuinely performed.
the music isnt good....that is why I chimmed in.

Then why the fuck do you feel it necessary to be a complete douchebag? Why can't you just say "sorry, the music isn't working for me, here's some suggestions". Instead of "LOL U GUYS ARE IN MERICA, SING BOUT MERICAN THINGS LIKE HOW GREAT MERICA IS."
Then why the fuck do you feel it necessary to be a complete douchebag? Why can't you just say "sorry, the music isn't working for me, here's some suggestions". Instead of "LOL U GUYS ARE IN MERICA, SING BOUT MERICAN THINGS LIKE HOW GREAT MERICA IS."

because that is not how I roll. I feel strong about certain things and this is one of them. I just dont follow the sheep mentality that many people seem to have on forums....if something isnt good...I have no problem saying so. Ask anyone who knows me. I am super honest and I think that is why lots of people enjoy talking to me about music.
heh. you sheep.

Nobody has an issue with the fact you don't like their music for what it is. However, your assertion that a band that sings about a given subject matter has to have a direct connection thereto is silly. Nile sings about Egypt but they are not Egyptian. Blind Guardian sings about LOTR but they are not Middle-Earthian. If Arktide enjoy the elements that make up the folk metal genre and want to try their hand at it, there is no rulebook which says they cannot because they are from Georgia. To dismiss their music because of their place of origin makes no sense, and that's exactly what you did before you started backpedaling.