Arktide - Melodic Folk Metal from Atlanta, GA

At this point I think i'd rather see the second one...he just looks so jolly, it has be fun. Either that, or the photographer is holding a cheeseburger.

You make a strong case that is difficult to refute!

No offense to ARKTIDE, but let's face reality.

If ARKTIDE were to open for ENSIFERUM, they would come off to the majority of the crowd as OPTION B.

Better yet, let's take US Black Metal. How many corpse painted US Black metal bands have been taken seriously? Nachtmystium weren't even remotely taken seriously until they abandoned the image and created their own unique psychedelic niche. Same goes for a band like ABSU.

I seriously am not trying to take away from the band's efforts. I applaud ANYONE who takes the time to carry out their passion and create music. In my honest opinion, I find it deadly as a US band to take on an image which historically has been portrayed by European bands.
I thought he meant black metal... I didn't see it coming as a racist remark.

Sorry, but you asked for it!!!!!!!!!!!
The fact that this was precieved as racist .. I don't know if it's LOL or if it's just ... depressing. Especially since we were talking about black metal.

edit: ah, I see; satire. Well now don't I look the fool.

Yes, obviously I know that's not what you meant.
It was just an easy pot shot!
And better yet, it enabled me to ultimately use CAPTAIN OBVIOUS! :)
If ARKTIDE were to open for ENSIFERUM, they would come off to the majority of the crowd as OPTION B.

I'd like to know how you're judging this by. Just because we're from Atlanta? Or that we're in our late teen years?

Better yet, let's take US Black Metal.

Lets not since anyone with decent taste of music wouldn't even take traditional black metal seriously.

In my honest opinion, I find it deadly as a US band to take on an image which historically has been portrayed by European bands.

Yeah, but your example was "Black Metal." So I very much doubt we're gonna have the same issue.
first off, pretty good stuff (not to big on the vocal but i am sure it would grow on me)

but i got the solution to the heritage thing, keep the music but add banjos and change the lyrics to talk about tanks and bombing stuff, now that would be badass and american.

oh and what is the name of that band in option b?
=CAlexanderParra;8585235]I'd like to know how you're judging this by. Just because we're from Atlanta? Or that we're in our late teen years?

I think basically you are taking the look Ensiferum uses and others who have been around for a while so right there it lacks originality. Kind of like how I could never in a million years take the band Swashbuckle serious. Again...this is another example of a generic band who jumped on a bandwagon to make a quick buck. The tossed on some pirate costumes and changed thier lyrics to pirate themed ones. Once this genre is dried up and fans look for something new....that band and others will jump ship. (no pun intended) Seen it happen a million times. Sure people get influence by other bands...but as a young pretty much run with every open yourselves up for people to criticize you. Not saying everything needs to be original, but find something that can be your own and run with that.

Hey...I am not a fan of traditional black metal or even most black metal....but it is a genre that has influenced many and has lasted the test of time. Sure most of it is crap, but there are some real good bands too. I would even half to say that most people on this forum who are on the prog side would loop your band into that also.

Being a young band isnt an excuse for gusing gimmicks or being a clone....there are lots of great young bands like "Diamond Plate" who play a very over saturated genre, "thrash" and they make it thier own. They are not wearing the clothes and trying to worry about image...they just write good music. that is the key.
oh but no matter what keep the swords. because swords are cool and if anyone says otherwise then kill them with the sword :heh:
I'd take Option B because the guitarist has an Edge of Sanity shirt.

QFT. I was wondering if someone would notice that.

(Actually I'd really like to see Immortal, too. :saint: )

oh but no matter what keep the swords. because swords are cool and if anyway says otherwise then kill them with the sword :heh:


Speaking of which, Alex, you still wanna borrow some of my Starfire blades for a photoshoot? :kickass:
*snip* Kind of like how I could never in a million years take the band Swashbuckle serious. *snip*QUOTE]

Are you always bashing Swashbuckle because you think they are folk metal or because they wear pirate get-up?

They aren't meant to be taken seriously. To me, they are just 3 guys having fun - and what's wrong with that?

And to Arktide - hold that flame high! I like your music, please keep doing your thing and don't listen to the naysayers out there.
Lets not since anyone with decent taste of music wouldn't even take traditional black metal seriously.

You know, I was giving you credit and respect until I saw that statement. I was interested in your music, but since you seem to have such a poor attitude, you've just lost a potential fan.

If you don't like, it's one thing. To call people's tastes "wrong" for liking something, is different.

You gotta remember that these statements may end up hurting you if you're in a band in the eyes of the public. Then again, you seem to be just a teenager into metal who happens to be in a band. You'll learn.
Being a young band isnt an excuse for gusing gimmicks or being a clone....there are lots of great young bands like "Diamond Plate" who play a very over saturated genre, "thrash" and they make it thier own. They are not wearing the clothes and trying to worry about image...they just write good music. that is the key.

Diamond Plate is awesome. They really need some more recognition in this new wave of thrash bands.
You know, I was giving you credit and respect until I saw that statement. I was interested in your music, but since you seem to have such a poor attitude, you've just lost a potential fan

While not something I'd ever want to see from someone who's in a thread promoting his band, I'm glad he's speaking his mind on things rather than not wanting to ruffle feathers.

Also, I thought it was pretty lol.
I hope one day it is revealed that Ensiferum is actually from Kansas and that they're actually all 18 and just look old for their age so that Diabolik can literally vomit in rage and agony.
While not something I'd ever want to see from someone who's in a thread promoting his band, I'm glad he's speaking his mind on things rather than not wanting to ruffle feathers.

Also, I thought it was pretty lol.

I agree. I'm all for someone speaking their minds.

However, if I were in his position, maybe I would've worded that sentence a little better.