Arsis - United in Regret

Wow. This album is fantastic. Not the same as ACOG, but great in its own way. They definetly slowed down on this album, which is a plus in my opinion, because then it would just be ACOG 2. I don't think there is on bad song on this album, and I'm loving the harmonized riffs and complicated song structures. I wouldn't say its better than any of the other albums, but its definetly not worse. Lust Before the Maggots Conquest is one of my favorites, they are some crazy leads and great riffs. Marriage Bed is another good one. Everyone who is a fan of Arsis and good technical death metal should pick this up. Go see them live too, they are amazing. Just saw them with All Shall Perish, and they kicked ass. I even got to talk to James, who signed my copy of the cd. :headbang: