Art Thread

Current WIP - I didn't use a model for this, so the perspective still needs some fixing (the head and waistline of the pants in particular). If anyone sees anything wrong with it, be sure to give a holler :)


Yes, I'm a Mokou fanboy. Sue me.
How do you keep everything proportional?
Haha, thanks for describing it as "everything proportional", because it's not perfect, not in the least. But yeah, proportions are all about practice, study, and having a good eye. And a lot of erasing. You have no idea how often I corrected things, and even now I still see stuff that needs fixing.

MARKERS. Gonna fix Andrew's lazy eye in photoshop.

Can't see this at work, so I'll comment later :)
Ooo, I like your work with markers, Emily! Venom looks pretty damn snazzy!

Stormy, I'm pretty amazed at how saturated the colors get with those pencils! The perspective is awesome for having no reference!!

The longest I've ever sat at a computer using a Wacom tablet (8 hours)

I want frosty mornings NOW.
And a warm puppy.