Art Thread

Yet another in the Fangirl series, "The Pig Man".

This isn't going to out-right funny. So here's the background:

You see, if you look at a number of pictures of Loomis while he's playing the guitar, at the right angle his nose flairs. Well, for my own pleasure and to help out the family when I go on my metalhead rants, I've lovingly dubbed him "The Pig Man". So really, this being an inside joke I don't expect you to explode in laughter. A giggle will suffice.

Oh, and please keep in mind, I don't mean any harm to Loomis or his image.




Ok... so I didn't actually draw this one, exactly... someone on Facebook made this portrait of someone else, and I had an odd little thought when I saw it - I had just gotten the tablet on my convertible laptop working, so I thought I'd modify it to show the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the neck at that funny angle. Whited out the eyes, drew a little blood dribble, and did the best I could on the rope - yeah, it sucks, I'm not an art major. Anyway... there's that, enjoy.

A picture I took last year near Rimouski (canada)


I painted that for my Color course


I did that on photoshop:


originale pic:


I'm also on (rocksssane)