Art Thread

Been working some more on my painting of the main character of my starting-to-get-huge postnuclear story. Still some things I need to work on, but it's coming along nicely.


I've always loved your hair work! I'm having trouble with skin tone work myself. It's really hard to get skin tone natural looking. Your doing really good so far though. I would go with what Emily said as well.
yep, more shadows. the shape of her chin could be more defined, as well as her eyelids, methinks. she's looking great, nonetheless!
Jen, those photos are fucking awesome!

Especially the last one!
It's super eerie

..*hugs you*
I think if you put in a few more shadows, it would add a little more realism. The colors in the hair are a great touch.
Yep, that's what the people on dA told me too. Especially the chin and eyelids. Thanks!

I've always loved your hair work! I'm having trouble with skin tone work myself. It's really hard to get skin tone natural looking. Your doing really good so far though. I would go with what Emily said as well.
Thanks, and yeah, skin tone is hard to get right. People suggested to add some texture to the skin, and I've been linked to a tutorial, so that'll be on my to-do list too. Right now she looks a bit too plastic.

yep, more shadows. the shape of her chin could be more defined, as well as her eyelids, methinks. she's looking great, nonetheless!
Thanks! The chin definitely needs more definition, and the eyelids still look a bit flat, so that'll be the first thing I correct today.

Thanks for the comments, everyone, it really helps!
I've been wanting to show this for a long time, but I was lazy. This is one of my favorite artists, Jean Leon Gerome.

He's real friendly looking isn't he? LOL! Since I've already showed you guys my avatar that's a homage to him, I figured I'd show the reference I've used. Despite the fact that it shows all of my flaws in the drawing, I figured I'd forgive myself for those since it is a miniature, and I kind of made it my own in the process. :)

Well this is the The Bacchante, and a link to the large version is here:

Figured I'll just deposit this here, dunno where else it can go.


Now, discuss. It sure creeps me the fuck out. :(