artistical question

aw thank you guys. i went to get food but now i feel like i'm about to puke.

i really want to express that i didn't mean for this to be an ego-fluffer, i really want/ed to hear all opinions, to the contrary or not. i wish more musicians would add to this!
i bet he hates it.

but fact: i had personally witnessed him having a shitfit because his bandmate sent a copy of their record to a specific magazine for review. he feels the magazine slights the bands it doesn't like, and therefore went BERSERK when he found out it was sent.

essentially, he can't accept that i want to retain some form of control over my artwork. that's how i see it boiling down, and essentially, he is a major and blatant dickdog hypocrite.

su-bin, somewhere on the other side of the globe: what the stinking HELL is "dickdog"???
Compare it to sampling. How do the Rolling Stone treat people that sample one of their song? They get all, read ALL, the profits from the single and a percentage of the album. Recontextualizing artwork is fine as long as the original author is fine with it or is paid a negociated amount for the recontextualizing. Any use of your artwork is subject to your approval, whether or not this guy likes it or not. From what I understand you have not exactly been remunerated for the initial artwork, you just let him know that in exchange for that privilege, that no "Derivative Works. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work." without proper authorisation.