Artwork: Cripple Decapitation

Uhhh....not to hijack...but....errrr....seeing all the badass art on here, makes me ask if anyone would have any ideas for my band as well? We are in a very similar situation to Cripple Decap, we're hitting the studio the end of May to record our ep, and are looking for artwork for our album as well. Sculpted cold is hooking us up with a killer logo (had to name drop there, sculpted is the man). But seriously, if anyone wouldn't mind helping out we'll hook you up with a copy when it's done, and give you full credit in the album. The band name is Forcefed Flesh, and we were shooting for something along the lines of brutal death, gore and stuff.
Flaming Death said:
can you post some song names or title of the EP for some inspiration
Sure dude. The ep is untitled so far, but the track names will be:
1. Peel back the skin
2. Ripped from the womb
3. (still untitled)
4. Surgical Dissection
5. Aphylactic butchery