As a "Professional" sound engineer do you pay Taxes??

I have no qualms at all with paying taxes; it's obvious that in order for the country to function properly, there needs to be some degree and some type(s) of taxation to fund it. However, I think that taxing income is completely unnecessary. I realize that you dudes from outside the US are probably going to have very little interest in this, but I would encourage especially US dudes to check out this article. It's a good overview of why income taxation has no place in a free society, and how skewed our income taxation has become when compared to the original purpose it was created for:

We have a similar progressive income tax system here. It's nowhere near as convoluted as the US, but it's well on its way. It's a great example of where bureaucracy screws the pooch, and we struggle to take it back to basics.

Since the thread surfaced before about Penn and Teller, it reminded me of the arguments they made on their Tax episode. The idea of using income revenue and sales taxes to social engineer is ludicrous. It's become so far removed from the idea of a 'free society' that it's laughable.