As of now


May 27, 2002
Ventura, CA
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The line up is just Jon isn't it. That's not a bad thing considering he has written almost all the bands material. It just really sucks for us fans don't you think? I don't know man, I really love the tunes but if we have to go through this stuff I think it would almost be better for Jon to gracfully bow out instead of trying to get another band together and have it totally turn his name into shit.
Or he could do us all a favor and stop making music. I'd suggest him to take up a job for Homeland Security with Barlow, but that would be akin to saying "Oy! Terrorists! In here! Time to party!"
I doubt it's a good thing that Schaffer is the only one writing music. He ran out of ideas 10 years ago.
well, they would need to start the band, then put schaffer in. This way, he wouldn't be able to take all the place in the song writing process.