As per everyone's request you can buy KD shirts via PayPal

The size of XL varies depending on the brand of shirt used. I have some that stress my manboobs and others that are like circus tents.
The problem with XL's for me is the length... an XLT will fit (sometimes) , but an XL won't, and an XXL will sometimes fit, and a 2XLT will always fit...

damn shirts are made for short fat people.
The Dope said:
Damn son, how strangely proportioned are you?

I mean, I'm 6'7 or 6'8 (not really exactly sure) and about 200 lbs and I wear larges with no problem.
I'm also 6'7" or 6'8" (not really sure either) and about 275 lbs. (I'm not really fat, a bit overweight though)