As per everyone's request you can buy KD shirts via PayPal

Ok, I guess I this makes sense to me. My dad weighs about 265 I'd guess (although, he's like 6'5 or so) and he wears 2XL for the most part. I have a 2XL shirt somewhere that I never wear. I prefer tighter-fitting shirts (but not too tight mind you, I'm no metro) so I tend to go with L.
As soon as I get this fucking paypal account verified, I plan on ordering two. I'm thinking black with gray and gray with black.

Which looks better - black with gray or black with white?
My red shirt recently survived a housefire. Fire and smoke-proof, yo!

Disclaimer: Kayo Dot should not be held responsible for my exaggerations in the event of the destruction of a Kayo Dot shirt due to fire and/or thick toxic smoke.
You'll have to get the next limited edition color for the next batch of shirts with a brutal design. You can sell them on ebay in ten years for hundred$....