Ashes OF The Wake ... Production


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Pardon the question about an album so old .... but i just got it and I have been listening to Lam Of Gods - Ashes of the wake for a few weeks now and the production to me is probably some of the best ive heard (in my noob opinion) ..... Love that snare !!!!

I understand it was Producer MACHINE that did this CD and it just blows me away ...

Those Framus amps just sound sick ... Very gutteral ... almost like Testaments - Souls of black ... real flubby and fat with a ton of bite ....

So whats your opinion on the production of this album ....
I love the production, but wish the guitars sounded bigger.

BTW, they were Mark IV's, not Framus amps.

The drum production is honestly probably the best I've heard... they sound amazing.
DSS3 said:
I love the production, but wish the guitars sounded bigger.

BTW, they were Mark IV's, not Framus amps.

The drum production is honestly probably the best I've heard... they sound amazing.

Really ... wow i guess he switched to framus recently then. Explains alot, I dont ever remember a framus sounding that good .... lol

Gotta love the Old Scool Mark IV ... just an all around bad ass amp.
Yes! I love lamb of God: they used Mesa Mark iv with mesa and framus dragon cabs, and framus guitars, eccept Mark morton sometimes use a Jackson Roads.
Killadelphia is fucking good dvd, I have watched 10 times
A lot of folks like that production, certainly not what I'd call a bad job, but I'm not a fan of the sounds.
The guitar just doesn't do it for me, but also if you listen at the start of "Laid to Rest" where the guitar plays on it's own it sounds clippy-ragged on the attack of the notes, although that's kinda hidden when everything else comes in again. Not good, should have been ironed out.
Drums also didn't sound very... convincing. IMHO.
Liked the vocals, though.
Anyhoo, you can get a pretty good replica of that snare using a sample from the SR-16 set from the Hollow Sun site "nasty.wav" is the sample, I think (can't check, I'm not home). I was editing the sample a few weeks ago and it sounded familiar, so I dug out AotW, back-to-backed it and it was pretty close to identical.
I read an interview with Machine talking about that production...I don't remembner where it was...possibly a guitar mag.
Anyway, he explained that for that album he used only one guitar track per side. Instead of tracking multiple performances, he layered the sound of several different amps instead. Either by splitting the signal or with re-amping. Some of them with a very clean sound to enhance the clarity of the playing. I also read an interview with Lamb of God where they made the same comments and said that they would never again record more than two guitar tracks on their albums. They loved the clarity of a single track per side.
I must say that I really dig the clarity myself, but often times the guitars on that record seem to lack some "balls"....but still it's great sounding album. The drums just blow you away.
Originally posted by Metalhead28
but often times the guitars on that record seem to lack some "balls"....
Yes is true, when I hear the sound of this guitars I fell that is a little thin and need more headroom or bass, but I think that this benefit to the clarity of the record.
I love the drum sounds..eccept the ride.
For me is a very good work and good production.
The drums to me are amazing.....

He recorded the toms, snare, & kick at a diffrent time then the cymbals......also in diffrent rooms.....
guitarguru777 said:
Really ... wow i guess he switched to framus recently then. Explains alot, I dont ever remember a framus sounding that good .... lol

Well Framus does make a-fucking-mazing amps... what do you mean by them switching? Willie runs MKIV's through Framus cabs, but none of them use Framus amps.
:D The album sounds very natural to me the guitars are more of a live sound or what you are more apt to here when your playing. Not some overly layerd over proccesed guitar tracks. i dig it
i really like the sounds on the album...they're doing something different than other metal bands are, and they're probalby the only band who could make it work so well

the musicianship is just absolutely phenominal

EDIT: btw i know before this album they were using framus heads live, and i believe they used a cobra + mkIV on 'as the palaces burn' however, since this last disc they've been using the boogie heads of them playing thru mesa cabs, and the other thru framus cabs

if you get the killadelphia dvd it explains their live setups pretty thoroughly
the production is fantastic, and also unique which I dig.
To me the guitars are just a preference thing, I wouldn't want that sound for my own thing......... but they totally serve the playing and writing style of log.

The drums just blow me away, so clean and punchy in a really nice natural way.

Where did the seperate takes of cymbals and kik/snr/toms come from?

That must of made it difficult playing wise.

anybody know what vocal mic he's using ?

reminds me of Some kind of monster DVD

i would be keen to buy and use a mic like this, looks to me like it lets singers have more a free end in their performance which is great
jamesboyd said:
the production is fantastic, and also unique which I dig.
To me the guitars are just a preference thing, I wouldn't want that sound for my own thing......... but they totally serve the playing and writing style of log.

The drums just blow me away, so clean and punchy in a really nice natural way.

Where did the seperate takes of cymbals and kik/snr/toms come from?

That must of made it difficult playing wise.

i know people who "overdub" drums like that. they are really good players with supertight timing.