Ashes OF The Wake ... Production

A Toolish Circle said:
anybody know what vocal mic he's using ?

reminds me of Some kind of monster DVD

i would be keen to buy and use a mic like this, looks to me like it lets singers have more a free end in their performance which is great

I am using now.....very very happy with it....make sure you have a great clean needs a lot of gain....
jamesboyd said:
the production is fantastic, and also unique which I dig.
To me the guitars are just a preference thing, I wouldn't want that sound for my own thing......... but they totally serve the playing and writing style of log.

The drums just blow me away, so clean and punchy in a really nice natural way.

Where did the seperate takes of cymbals and kik/snr/toms come from?

That must of made it difficult playing wise.


Well Machine used condensers on all of the toms and instead of fighting with the bleed he likes to have them play the things seperate.....when they play cymbals he puts a dead hit for the keep the drummer on is an amazing thing....
god this is pissing me off....there is this band he is working with and they have videos up of how they recorded drums....same method as ashes....only problem is I can not recall the name of the band....fuck
pretty cool stuff. Can't say I'd ever think to do that if I even had the skill to do so. Very interesting though. Can't wait to watch the "guitar tracking" vid. Wonder if he plans to use some guitar sample libraries to layer up the sound Ha!
I was so disapointed when I heard that Machine was going to be working with Eighteen Visions. What a waste.

This is the guy that did the flawless "Power to Believe" by the even more flawless King Crimson. Muchos respect.

xmidihcx said:
does anybody know any more cool videos related to production?

I second that. I enjoying sitting back and watching bands at work in the studio and seeing how much goes into making the album.
Omega_Void said:
Anyhoo, you can get a pretty good replica of that snare using a sample from the SR-16 set from the Hollow Sun site "nasty.wav" is the sample, I think (can't check, I'm not home). I was editing the sample a few weeks ago and it sounded familiar, so I dug out AotW, back-to-backed it and it was pretty close to identical.

Do you have the online link or the file? :)
Brooks said:
This is the guy that did the flawless "Power to Believe" by the even more flawless King Crimson. Muchos respect.


Absolutely amazing record. I've never heard anything else that sounds even remotely similar. :notworthy

IIRC, the guitar tone on Ashes Of The Wake was a combination of Mesa Mark IV, Marshall JTM 45, and a Sansamp, not sure if the latter was a pedal or the PSA-1 preamp. The Marshall is an old, non-master volume head, actually the precursor to the famous Plexi panel Superleads. Angus Young uses these. The mix was 80% Mesa, 15% Marshall, and 5% Sansamp. This is from memory, so I could be off.
WTF.....that picture is funny as hell....what does have in his hand a 58...beta?