Asian Melodeath...


Mar 8, 2004
Anyone heard of the bands Holymarsh or Intestine Baalism? Any big Kalmah fan is sure to love these two. Holymarsh is from S. Korea and I beleive Intestine is from Japan. Their albums are a bit hard to find, so email or IM me if you want to get a hold of them.
Vital Remains said:
i would hesitate to listen to asian metal. After seeing the old asian 80's metal bands the idea of it freaks me out. is it good stuff?

IM or E-mail me and Ill send a couple songs. Don't worry, apparently Asians learned from their mistakes in the 80's because these two bands are fuckin' killer.
i dont think the new Blood Stain child was that bad. And i actually thought they kinda improved in a different way. I just think their first 2 album is too much of a skyfire/children of bodom clone, and this new 3rd album Idolator is moving more toward their own sound mixing more electronics (techno) stuff. Sounds more like mix of Dark Tranquillity/In Flames + Children of bodom.