ASIO4all, do I need it?

Robert W

May 13, 2009
First off, just let me say I not a "techie", so if these questions sound dumb, please cut me some slack. :D

Ok, I keep reading that ASIO4all is a very good choice for a driver for recording applications. Now assuming I can ever get my L6 running correctly again, would I use want to use this as the driver instead of the integral ones in my GuitarPort/UX1?

Would I even want to do that?

Also, can I use ASIO4all as a replacement for the Conexant High Definition Audio, which is what I'm using now? Would this even make sense to do?

In case you need using your Conexant High Definition Audio sound card for mixing applications, you might have better performances using Asio4all as a driver, however the included Asio drivers in the Line 6 stuff should work out better.

Asio4all was specifically designed for sound cards that do not have Asio drivers, which makes it a useful, almost universal driver, but not optimized towards performance.
I used to get lower latency with ASIO4all then i did with the drivers for my pod xt. for me even the lowest latency settings with the pod drivers had to much delay to play tightly but the ASIO4all cut this almost in half making it much more manageable
I used to get lower latency with ASIO4all then i did with the drivers for my pod xt. for me even the lowest latency settings with the pod drivers had to much delay to play tightly but the ASIO4all cut this almost in half making it much more manageable

That's interesting. So you used a L6 device and bypassed its integral drivers and ran ASIO4all as the driver instead?

Also, anyone know a good link to where I can DL ASIO4all for Vista?
Ok, I DL'd ASIO4all no problem. Now how do I get it to bypass my GuitarPort's internal drivers? :confused:
In the Reaper settings.

I haven't used Asio4All a lot since I have my Toneport, I'll try that out later on, thanks guys.