Asking Alexandria cover

Okay lets get this straight im not into AA nor am i a super huge joey Sturgis fan, but everyone i record is, so i just thought i would post this cover i recorded, im not a actual guitarist so the guitars might suck a little :p

just pod farm and slate and some other samples. if cover light mastering.mp3

heres the updated mix, fixed a couple little things. sound the alantic ASKING IF HORSES COVER.mp3
Basically try the slip editing technique ( to try to get the root of the guitar notes on time and also cut off the wave lengths at the end of a series of palmutes and notes so they sound like they were cut off.

Here's an example of what it should sound like:

Okay i worked all that out, i was going to cut the guitars up like that anyways, i was just wanting to see how everyone felt about the guitar tone and everything.

Heres the final mix of what i came up with cover lukes vocals in it.mp3/