Astrology, spiritual ant other alternative stuff

Heck, we have instincts like an animal, and it is proven that a child raised without human contact, amongst wild animals for example, do not develop any form of human behaviour(like linguistic skills, math, and the likes).

ever hear of evolution? :lol:

anyway, you missed the point. it is up to each and every person to give meaning to their own lives, and if someone doesn't do that - that's his or her choice. thus the difference in beliefs, or do you think someone (or some group of people) does not have a right to think differently?
I totally agree with the latter, but disagree with the former. You do have a point to your existence that's out of your control: it's your unique circumstance that you were born into. It's no coincidence, you, the time peroid and environment in which were born, your parents, the whole mystery and totality of your entire being is playing a unique role in process of evolution. You are leading a unique path on the forefront of evolution. You are blessed with an awareness and consciousness that has surpassed those of previous generations. You are right, destiny is not predetermined. Our goal is to spread our own truths right or wrong to expedite our travel down the road to greater awareness and understanding regardless of our attachments to outcome. Just until recently I realized not only do we choose our own destiny, but we also choose how we feel or give value and meaning to things that ultimately mean nothing. Once we are able to give up our excesses and decide to choose to love ourselves and others, we might be able to change our relation to the problems that will always exist in a positive way. Happiness does not come from external sources; conditional happiness does. My goal is to extend my higherselves' arm to the rest of those to hear my unique truth so that I may hear theirs and revise mine along the way toward a greater understanding. There are deeper ways of being and every moment of our lives has much greater far reaching consequences than we think. The means truly do justify the end in a world that is built to respond to our consciounesses.

I agree...
yes - there are no coincidences, but it's not some divine force which makes things happen.
things happen because we make them happen. it's the cause-effect connection, everything we do affects others and our enviroment in more than one way...
that's why what ever we do to each other or the enviroment will come back to us in some way. ;)

and I love what you said about the evolution part!
I totally agree with the latter, but disagree with the former. You do have a point to your existence that's out of your control: it's your unique circumstance that you were born into. It's no coincidence, you, the time peroid and environment in which were born, your parents, the whole mystery and totality of your entire being is playing a unique role in process of evolution. You are leading a unique path on the forefront of evolution. You are blessed with an awareness and consciousness that has surpassed those of previous generations. You are right, destiny is not predetermined. Our goal is to spread our own truths right or wrong to expedite our travel down the road to greater awareness and understanding regardless of our attachments to outcome. Just until recently I realized not only do we choose our own destiny, but we also choose how we feel or give value and meaning to things that ultimately mean nothing. Once we are able to give up our excesses and decide to choose to love ourselves and others, we might be able to change our relation to the problems that will always exist in a positive way. Happiness does not come from external sources; conditional happiness does. My goal is to extend my higherselves' arm to the rest of those to hear my unique truth so that I may hear theirs and revise mine along the way toward a greater understanding. There are deeper ways of being and every moment of our lives has much greater far reaching consequences than we think. The means truly do justify the end in a world that is built to respond to our consciounesses.

What? That has absolutely fuck all to do with souls.

I think you're glorifying this a wee bit too much, bro. The reason i am who i am, and not someone else, is because yes, i was born at that exact moment and have been brought up in the environment i have, and i have the friends, parents, and the influences ive had throughout my life. And thats all. Thats why i am who i am. This isn't "destiny" or a "soul", it's merely the sum of genome + environment.

And i think the last statement from you really proves just how a twisted, self-centred fantasy view of life you have.
I disagree with it.

Our consciousness has adapted to respond to the world around us, not the other way around.

I love the way you talk about this as if you know that your views are correct, when all it boils down to is belief.

Frankly, i don't really care what you or others here think about life, you have just as much right as any to think whatever you like.
But i think some things needs to be cleared up: If i'm presented with the proof that there is a soul, that i have a destiny and that there is a god/stars that guide me, i'll adjust to it, adapt and try to understand it. I'll try the proof scientifically for all its worth, but if it holds water, i have no problem accepting it.
While you on the other hand, seem reluctant to even think about the idea that there might NOT be such the case, and you're almost not even willing to consider it.
Yet i'm the one being told i need to be open-minded?
This latter part isn't directed as much at you Noble_Viking, it's more towards the general thread.

tl;dr: lolololo life'nshit
ever hear of evolution? :lol:

anyway, you missed the point. it is up to each and every person to give meaning to their own lives, and if someone doesn't do that - that's his or her choice. thus the difference in beliefs, or do you think someone (or some group of people) does not have a right to think differently?

Yes? what about evolution?

Knowledge isn't passed down through the genes, just fyi
very deep, your life is totally worth living... :Smug:

Yeah it is actually, I've got one so I might as well live it. Believing in ghosts and magic and fairies doesn't make life any more worthwhile either.
what are you hoping to leave behind?

I'm working to be a scientist. So, every science I produce will outlive me. Every single theorem. If you're one of those people who think that emotions are more valuable, just note that it doesn't mean I don't value emotions - I just don't think they're long lasting. If I can make myself and other people around me happier, great! But that's not something that's going to stand the test of time.

very deep, your life is totally worth living... :Smug:

Let me reverse the question... if you (or your 'soul') will live forever, what's the point of *your* existence? You don't need to do anything now, you can always postpone. Forever is a long time, you know. Or, if you believe you will reincarnate, then why do anything now? You'll have another chance at everything when you'll be born again. In my point of view, having a soul nullifies every 'point' to existence.
And i think the last statement from you really proves just how a twisted, self-centred fantasy view of life you have.
I disagree with it.

Our consciousness has adapted to respond to the world around us, not the other way around.

I love the way you talk about this as if you know that your views are correct, when all it boils down to is belief.

First of all, you never mentioned your soul; you spoke about the meaning of your existence.

Yes it does boil down to belief, and it's YOUR belief that you are bound to the conditioning of the outside environment. There's a hundred billion ways to live: pick one right? It's your choice to give into that one way of thinking through the psychological conditioning of millions of years. We can change our state of conciousness in a moments noticed if we don't look toward our "leaders" or outside sources for guidance. Typing this is not some selfish act to glorify myself, on the contrary, I do not matter at all; it's what's being written here that does. I'm trying to make everyone their own God, leader or master of their own destinies. Every intent and action sends energy that alters our lives and other's for the better or worse. Like I said, the consequences of our actions are much greater and far reaching these days than we could ever imagine. There are deeper ways of living, ways to live happiliy with less pain, rather than giving in to the conditioning of genomes and our environments. I can not know the full truth, my unconscious has a thirst for knowledge. I'm trying to reach greater clarity in life through the best conduits for information: other people and their own truths. Be gentle with how you change, believe in a different way, understand and love yourself and your unique situation and your limited time on earth: I truly wish you the most out of your life
just note that it doesn't mean I don't value emotions - I just don't think they're long lasting.

Of course they don't last forever; the essence of life is change!

Life is difficult. Everything is hard work until we reach our goal and think we obtain happiness until we ask "what now"? We could go on and on about different situations of our own problems because of whatever circumstances arise for us, but do they really matter? We give our own meanings to things. Nothing can pretty much mean anything. No object will permanantly guarantee our happiness, happiness is sustained from within. Love or happiness can be smothered, but it can't be put out. The difficulty of life is a unique paradox of hard work and reward. We can justify being miserable for our challenges or change our outlook on being challenged. The fact that life is difficult could no longer matter. Quote Dan Millman "We can be reasonably unhappy or unreasonably happy" it all depends on how you take the situation. Hopefully through these almost meditative ways of thinking and new mental conditioning, you will also achieve greater happiness in your life.

Life has no "purpose" or meaning. Nevertheless, I love life and will strive to achieve my personal goals. there's nothing more to it really. humans look way too deeply into things. get over it.
Yes? what about evolution?

Knowledge isn't passed down through the genes, just fyi

and again... points very well taken wrong...

no, knowledge isn't passed down through genes, and you think evolution is just about genes and their inheritance? if it was we'd be pretty much stuck with being pretty monkeys :lol:
evolution is about what you spoke of earlier - adaptation: you evolve when you learn from, not only your own but from mistakes of the people who surround you, and the people before you. I think that's what the point of history as a subject is... :D
Wait, evolution IS all about genes and their inheritance :P

Well, more like inheritance, we don't exactly understand the process, some theorise it's more about proteins than the genes themselves. Anyway, I digress.

Point is, evolution is not the same as learning, or adapting. We as individuals may learn and adapt, but the term 'evolution' is only appropriate when talking about populations on large timescales. Evolution might make us LESS developed, btw. And it's exactly that that seems to be going to happen, given the fact that nerds don't get laid :P
I'm working to be a scientist. So, every science I produce will outlive me. Every single theorem. If you're one of those people who think that emotions are more valuable, just note that it doesn't mean I don't value emotions - I just don't think they're long lasting. If I can make myself and other people around me happier, great! But that's not something that's going to stand the test of time.

emotions are not my thaaang :D
and I'm an artist, and a vampire :lol: so I'm gonna kick ass like forever! :kickass:

Let me reverse the question... if you (or your 'soul') will live forever, what's the point of *your* existence? You don't need to do anything now, you can always postpone. Forever is a long time, you know. Or, if you believe you will reincarnate, then why do anything now? You'll have another chance at everything when you'll be born again. In my point of view, having a soul nullifies every 'point' to existence.

I am gonna live forever, and I'm working on becoming a superhuman, so when I get to wonderland II I'll continue my work on becoming a parasuperhuman! haha!

did you guys know shamans take pills for headaches? :zombie:
Wait, evolution IS all about genes and their inheritance :P

Well, more like inheritance, we don't exactly understand the process, some theorise it's more about proteins than the genes themselves. Anyway, I digress.

Point is, evolution is not the same as learning, or adapting. We as individuals may learn and adapt, but the term 'evolution' is only appropriate when talking about populations on large timescales. Evolution might make us LESS developed, btw. And it's exactly that that seems to be going to happen, given the fact that nerds don't get laid :P

okay, the definition of evolution states that it is all about genes. my mistake, I've used the wrong term so I apologize for the misunderstanding.
umm... in a lack of terms let's say; development? mental, cultural and in every other possible human aspect?

does anyone even understand what the hell I'm trying to say? :lol:

p.s. - you're all very interesting and I use your anwsers (quoted) in some personal psychoanalysis theories :D
hope you don't mind ;) (it's just among friends - for now, hehe)
and you've all been very helpful! *kisses & hugs*
I totally agree with the latter, but disagree with the former. You do have a point to your existence that's out of your control: it's your unique circumstance that you were born into. It's no coincidence, you, the time peroid and environment in which were born, your parents, the whole mystery and totality of your entire being is playing a unique role in process of evolution. You are leading a unique path on the forefront of evolution. You are blessed with an awareness and consciousness that has surpassed those of previous generations. You are right, destiny is not predetermined. Our goal is to spread our own truths right or wrong to expedite our travel down the road to greater awareness and understanding regardless of our attachments to outcome. Just until recently I realized not only do we choose our own destiny, but we also choose how we feel or give value and meaning to things that ultimately mean nothing. Once we are able to give up our excesses and decide to choose to love ourselves and others, we might be able to change our relation to the problems that will always exist in a positive way. Happiness does not come from external sources; conditional happiness does. My goal is to extend my higherselves' arm to the rest of those to hear my unique truth so that I may hear theirs and revise mine along the way toward a greater understanding. There are deeper ways of being and every moment of our lives has much greater far reaching consequences than we think. The means truly do justify the end in a world that is built to respond to our consciounesses.

I have a feeling you were at the consciousness festival in LA this past weekend. I too was there. You can tell that consciousness is alive and well. Thats the way I feel anyway. Going into the kundalini and the chakra system, I feel as some channels of the chakra system within my own being have been cleansed and are absorbing the greatness of the consciousness which I intuitively know is flowing through me right now. It is up to us whether or not we want to let it flow and be open to the things out there which may or may not be possibilites. Again people are free to believe what they want. In my own experience and this will be opinionated by many here, I have been transformed. To me, my entire being is now aware and alive with the infinite possibilities ahead.
If you were there (your avatar looks familiar), I think I may have seen you in the Icke lecture yesterday.
If so......cheers.