At A Loss Records Smacks My Ass . . . Again!

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
I recently praised Swarm of the Lotus (on At A Loss Records) as being the best CD I've heard in a while. It is easily the best thing I've heard in 2004 . . . so far.

Well I just recieved another promo from the label.

Unpersons - III

AGAIN . . . this is a helluva good band. They are probably somewhere in between Watchmaker and Converge's early stuff. I can definitely feel the punk influences (same as with Converge's early stuff), but there is some fierce metal attitude thrown in in heavy doses. I'll review it later, but I thought I'd mention them now.

Some of you guys should really keep an eye on At A Loss Records. So far I'm very impressed.
Never even heard of that label, but okay, I shall keep an eye on them. I'm not lookin' for trouble now mister...