Athens again

Yeah!!!! In 9 days my bf and me will be in Greece!!! :hotjump:
Can't wait!!
See you all there!
So that makes 4. Who else is coming??
whos lucky enuff? :D :hotjump:
we're leaving in the next weekend both dead excited and that :hotjump: tralala :D

lemme know sth once youre in athens caroline. then we'll sort out something :)
hotel tempi? :p i will never go there again haha :lol: the old night guard freaked me out haha :D

I'm staying at dwra's place that night. thats in moschato. (near pireaus) and we'll be there with sophia :) alexazndra is in scotland so we wont see her. giorgos is there obviously. and the whole bunch of greeks :) superb!
Dougieeeeeeeeee!!!you're coming too?:D:D:D:D:D i'll be there both days,great!

im staying at Dwra's place so impatient to meet you all there guys and gals:D:D:D
i wont be able to go down so its just good old salonica for me once again. i gotta be here that weekend. sorry and that. life's a bitch.