Help needed from my Greek mates

Apr 12, 2002
Istanbul, Turkey
i told this here before (and sophia by sms hehe): im planning to come to greece at the end of march for the pain of salvation i need all the information i can get from you. i wont be alone, a few more people plan to come with me but they all need to learn about prices and here are my questions, and if you can tell me something other than these, i'd be extra glad. by the way those of you who have been to greece before, please go ahead and join.

1-there are two gigs. one in thess, and one in athens. which one do you suggest we go to? now, thess is closer so that makes our job much easier, but i really wanna see athens and the gig there will probably be much bigger and more fun.

2-hotels, hostels in thess and athens? price ideas? local hotels with cheap prices please...and i dont care for any kind of service at all. we'll be staying for two nights so all we need is a bed and a shower thats all...but if breakfast is included, great.

3-traveling around the city? food? bars? prices please. we deffo need to know the overall amount of money we'll spend per day. that'll determine how long we'll stay.

please keep this thread alive for some time so that i get the most amount of info.

1- here is better. down there is more chaotic but since you're from istanbul you're used to it i reckon.
2- dunno much you'll have to call or something.
3- i guess it's a bit more expensive than turkey. like you get pita gyros with 1,5 euro or something, a burger and fries with 3 euros, something like that. drinks are about 3,5 for a beer in a bar, a bit more expensive for whishy, vodka and that (but i dunno cos i never drink that stuff).
the gigs are pretty much the same emre, its not that its smaller in tniki as you say it. so dont go to athens like. you need 20 hours to get there as well. there are few cheap hotels in tniki. in the hardcore area haha. ask sophia
oh and the 'pirate' boat going round the gulf is nice. tho i dont know if it works in the winter.......
its an open air bar. music is allright too
yeah no pork for me please. but im not sure if many people in my group will care about that haha.

hmm yeah you're right, sol, the prices are A BIT more expensive. not much though...then i guess we'll be off to thess. and pieter: we need 20 hours to go to athens???? how long is the ride (we plan to come by train)?
well,you catch me dizzy atm but ill try to write sth;) and of course be at your disposal anytime.

so there: 1)hotels i know in Thess go around 70euros per night including brekfast,there are cheaper hotels of course(i dont know prices),but the area is full of immigrants and of course the hotel are lousy.If you decide for thessaloniki i'll look it up and we'll find a solution.Dont worry.

2)of course the gig in athens will be more fun,but this will cost you an extra 24 euros(if you travel by bus)and six more hours of travel from thessaloniki.As for the bus from istanbul to Thess(prices,duration)ask pieter.It was not much money i think.

3)foods and 750ml beer of heineken/amstel cost around 3 euros.Sandwiches and pies can vary from 1,50 to 3 euros.
City Bus ticket in greece costs 0,50 euros.Taxis are very cheap too.they charge 0,75 when you step in and the counter goes normally like.they take up to 4 people and you can easily share the price(the price does not go per person)

my eyes dont see my ears dont hear,carry me home:lol:
so we're cooller as you can see emre. :cool:

and breakfast is included in the "decent" hotels i think. dunno about the "hardcore" ones. :lol: no clue about prices tho, never had to find out, sorry.
i imagine me walking around with a bunch of Turks,shouting "ai shiktir" and "yarak" loudly and everybody thinking that turkey has sent spies in order to invade Greece again :ill: conspiracy like haha:lol: *dead cold joke*
bus to tniki was 30€ single in me case. but emre, you said to me that it would be even cheaper with a turkish buscompany... and sophia told me that the trains are not really to be trusted. because it goes through places with poor (so dangerous) people. well its up to you of course.
thanks sophia, you're a gem. now i'll have to confirm with my friends. 70 euros per night is a bit too much. well, i think i can afford it, but im not sure about everyone. and i dont wanna go alone, like.

keep your tips coming, mates.
personaly tho, i wouldn't travel 10km to see pain of salvation. and they played here last year so i don't think there'll be many people at the gig.
somnium_in_tenebris said:
i imagine me walking around with a bunch of Turks,shouting "ai shiktir" and "yarak" loudly and everybody thinking that turkey has sent spies in order to invade Greece again :ill: conspiracy like haha:lol: *dead cold joke*

holy crap, you have "yarak" too? serious?

not very ladylike you know sophia hahahhahahahaha
sol83 said:
personaly tho, i wouldn't travel 10km to see pain of salvation. and they played here last year so i don't think there'll be many people at the gig.

you dont like them? or maybe you dont like them THAT much i guess, eh?

10 km? oh come on. i travel two times as much every morning to go to uni.
70 for a double room!i havent asked for a triple or bigger but it could be a reasonable price.this for the decent for the hardcore ones,i'll have to ask.sure theyre will be sth that suits'll be many ppl so you wont be in danger;)

the boat wont be in the sea,it only works in the summer.

Trains: if you take the "slow train",you will fond some weirdos there at old guy had once hit on my ex-bf ,touching his thigh and that haha,and imagine my bf looked all Viking like(muscles etc):lol:
im almost sure that the "intercity"train stops in the borders of greece.So if you travel with bus to the borders,you can take the train from there afterwards.mind you,its much more expensive than the slow one (e.g. ticket from thess to athens costs 13 euros with slow train and around 26 with intercity)

@Sol,it will be more people=more havoc.but again,depends on what you prefer.the popular option tho for a person that goes to greece fro the first time,should be the athens one;)
Don Corleone said:
holy crap, you have "yarak" too? serious?

not very ladylike you know sophia hahahhahahahaha

hahahaha no,we dont have this in greek but i know it from my grandpa.everybody in them village speaks turkish as mother tongue kinda:lol:

to hell with greek,i swear a lot,a fucking lot :lol: i m creative too,comeing up with new words:ill: i make sure tho to swear in style,not talk like a truck driver :lol: