To the greek mates


Mar 20, 2003
can someone tell me where this Antimatter gig is in Athens? I'll be in Greece for a week of holidays at that time and would be great to see the gig as well! Maybe someone also knows a cheap hotel in Athens? thanx :)
athens... you're heading to the wrong place my fair lady... up here is where the fun is...
hahaha the boy sol outfunned!

there is a hill there with a magnificent view on athens. a parking there, where you surely find a spot to sleep (for free!)
nights in athens are warm anyway...

nah i dont know. but i know a nice metalbar there. well nice? fucking awesome! good music most of the time. and loads of anathema (dunc heared pitiless for the first time there :lol: )
DLady, go to Salonika, that's closer anyway :) Or go to both gigs, I'd do that if I spent the week there. Though there's a slight distance between the two cities, but you only live once :) (or twice? :D ).

And if you went to the Salonika gig, Sunshine would be happy to put you up, I'm sure :tickled:
and if you go to both gigs you got a nice trip to go by train, beautiful sights and cute chicks (guys as well) on the train! cant wait! :ill:
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I might be able to leave my dear home country on the 28th (wednesday). So the Salonika gig is on the sunday 1st of June, right? Damn it, a few days later I might've made it :(

I'm coming over anyways. Be prepared, Greece! :devil:
I can't, since in the best case scenario I'll start my holiday on the 28th. My travelbudget won't allow any planes so I'll be traveling with trains and busses. No way I can make the trip in just two days (last year I travelled three days in a row to get to Greece and it was exhausting
have fucking fun greek mates *kicks airlines*

and you think that bowsie patterson would put an irish gig on seems as how he lives here but noooo...hed sooner play fucking alaska I reckon hed damage his rock-star-tax-free-status by doing a days work over here...moan piss whinge :(
DragonLady1 said:
can someone tell me where this Antimatter gig is in Athens? I'll be in Greece for a week of holidays at that time and would be great to see the gig as well! Maybe someone also knows a cheap hotel in Athens? thanx :)

The venue for the Antimatter gig in Athens is at Club An...

This club is near to Exarhia Square at Soloumou Str. 13-15

Exarhia Square is 5 minute by foot from 1 center square of Athens, Omonoia Square... As For the cheap hotel, i never search it so i don't know... It is one near an club and it seems really cheap but i don't look it with good view this hotel.. I will search it if you want...
im going to Athens as well,even if this means i might die on the way,inside the bus*high temperatures kill my pressure*.i'll be there on the 29th i guess,so see you all there:)
gosh,how many people are coming to greece this summer??????weeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh:)
Jussi is my alcoholic mate:)hahaah Heiko is coming as well,the Antimatter fellas,the dragonlady gal...well quite a few ppl already,eh?

*how can i upload that damn avatar from my pc?me nerves have gone*
ah yeah, heiko, we planned without knowledge from eachother to be in Athens at the same time. ah good things will happen in greece. at last.
damn dunc,tell sth about the venue in salonika,im afraid to tell people about the gig in fear of being all stuffy if the place is actually xtra small,are you gonna have some partner on stage or just the twos of you?