About The Greek Anathema Fan Club!!!

they dont do that anymore in big cities like. dont pay attention to my big fat greek wedding type of customs. they overreact there like. dont try those stupid things when you come here, most of them are extremly exaggerated and you will look like the stupidest of fools.
"marginale : what's that smashing this plate about? "

you make a tower from plates. And hit this tower continuosly with the plate you are holding while greek music plays at the background.
At least i know it's something like that i have seen it people doing in here in the pubs.
Yep, Leafwalker that is the case. Sometimes they even smash them with a small hammer. Or you can even start throwing plates around when you are having a really great time (and you are really really drunk). I don't think it's necessary to build a tower of plates. Well, people do it a lot at weddings and stuff. Personally I don't like it. Poor plates...:Spin:
Hi to everyone...
Thanks for sending me e-mail for the membership in Anathema Greek fc and I'm glad to see this support but please everyone... don't write it in greek... My explorer can't read it...
The fan club will be great guys....

P.S. Don't forget... I need your name/surname, address, date of birth and mobile number via e-mail

Kisses to all :*********
Sopel said:
honestely for me all this idea is somewhat hazy. can you answer the question "what for?". i just always thought that fan-club is to have contact with a band and be up-to-date, but... you're 'closer' to the band here on this forum, aren't you? and you get up-to-date info on anathema.ws.
also, you don't have even clear idea what your fan club is to do. gifts? are you santa claus? also, are you going to take money from people?

i just know how many problems had karin with official fan-club. it really needs some time and dedication. they were publishing anathema magazines and sending newsletters. it was really good, but in the age of internet (imo) fan-clubs are a bit obsolote unless they concern people who don't have access to internet or fc offers really many interesting things (but then, what's your concept?).

actually, i think that this forum is sort of anathema fan-club. you have danny,duncan and sometimes darren and jamie here. you can make an appointment with anyone, let know about party (as people here often do) and anything else.

alright, so can someone of you people who are planning this fanclub answer to this..
DragonLady1 said:
hehehe that smashing the plates thingie is really funny, I was once at a greek marriage when I was child, nice one, they grilled a whole lamb and after food started to smash the plates :lol:
To quote the (in)famous David Haizle;

"One word; Laziness - that's why you people will never succeed"
Btw... what about the whole toilet/rest-room business?

Will there be an extensive guide how not to smear?

(just wondering... :hypno: )
Things with the F.C. are going very well and everyone is very supporting...
We all thank very much the group and the fans and we'll be very glad if more people join the club here in Greece!
If there's anyone who's interening, you can send me an e-mail.
Thanks again & take care...
:Smokin: :Smokedev: :Saint: :hotjump: :kickass: :Spin: :wave: :wave: :wave: :rock: