Athens again

sweet and warm. not too warm, the temp is excellent really. i doubt it will get worse. it just gets better this season. so nothing heavy and that necessary. just for the night maybe.
DragonLady1 said:
I know they rock, but thats just too expensive for me, 33 euros, u get the whole skeleton bash festival here with a 2 day full programm including testament for that money...
i'll get you in the MM gig for nothing
its fucken nice here caro. temperatures of more then 25 degrees. today is the coldest day so far. like 23 sth. in thessaloniki that is. so count +3/5 degrees on that for athens and you know its nice over there.

c yous the day after tomorrow. haboe :hotjump:
Mariner said:
its fucken nice here caro. temperatures of more then 25 degrees. today is the coldest day so far. like 23 sth. in thessaloniki that is. so count +3/5 degrees on that for athens and you know its nice over there.

c yous the day after tomorrow. haboe :hotjump:

oh great great, that sounds wonderfull!!!! I cant wait, tomorrow we'll be there too :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: I'll send u a message oke?
see ya :wave:
Mariner said:
its fucken nice here caro. temperatures of more then 25 degrees. today is the coldest day so far. like 23 sth. in thessaloniki that is. so count +3/5 degrees on that for athens and you know its nice over there.

c yous the day after tomorrow. haboe :hotjump:
uhhhh, Piet, can't you send like 5 more degrees to us? ;)

Hope you have a good time over there, and send over some greetings!!!
DragonLady1 said:
ah its fucking cold here too... but well, a few days in the warm south are waiting...
:) :)

@morpheus, pm me ur adress, maybe we can send u a postcard :)
ah, no need to, don't make yerself any trouble! Cheers anyway! Just give us some nice pics and stories, and above all have a great time!

Btw will you lot meet Sophia? If so send some greetings from me! Cheers!