Athmospheric Black...

Guardian of Darkness said:
Moonblood - Blut und Krieg
Summoning - Dol Guldur
Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God

Ja. Everything by the above bands, and I'll second the recommendations of Drudkh, Nachtfalke and a few others.
I disagree. While the musical style may be very similar to Burzum, Shane still has that ability to get those emotions across powerfully... unlike other Buzum-worship bands who try to sound suicidal but fail dismally and make you want to tear your ears off (Wigrid comes to mind).
Meh. It's quite basic, very much drawn-out and sluggish. The lyrics suck. The melodies aren't all that great. One can do much better. Early Abyssic Hate isn't so much of a bore, it's semi-decent Burzum-esque stuff.
Guardian of Darkness said:
I don't like this 'suicidal black metal' genre very much, it's self-loathing, monotonous Burzum-worship for the most part.

It's not like Abyssic Hate just plain out sucks, or anything.

Oh, and Wigrid is great, you people are just retarded.
Guardian of Darkness said:
I don't like this 'suicidal black metal' genre very much, it's self-loathing, monotonous Burzum-worship for the most part.

We could pick at bands for cloning each other all day if it came down to it but what really should matter is the quality, no?

Btw, Wigrid rules as does Apud Inferos.