Atlanta CD stores for metal...


Jan 11, 2006
Any recommendations?

Just looking at Criminal Records, that seems like the type of place that carries things. They do have some metal when doing a quick search on their site.
Criminal has a really good metal selection. Very nice vinyl selection too. It's a bit overpriced though, and they tend to carry more of the metal that hipsters are into, like lots of drone/doom type stuff. Sunn O))), Boris, etc. I like it though so I don't complain.

I've actually seen a decent bit of metal at the Best Buy in the Edgewood shopping center near Little 5, but nothing too out of the ordinary. I think the last album I picked up there was the latest Withered disc.
I think I'll stop in there the next time I go to Sevananda (a grocery store). I like browsing. I also like old vinyl.
It's been a while since I've been there, but you may want to try checking out Full Moon Records. It's in Candler Park (about a mile from Little 5 Points). Unfortunately, they don't have a site. Their selection is pretty eclectic.

~ Jen
Buddy of mine and I hit Criminal before last year's show. Decent selection and some fun other items...

We walked out with a copy of the Rock Bible, it passed the time really well before shows