We got there at like 5pm so I could get on the rail...my friend called his friend so she could get a free ticket (friend who dropped out) and then I saw 2 friends from church so I was just talkin to them. Finally got in at 7 and ran to the rail. I got on the end but still was on the rail
Eluveitie: So they all come on (all 8 of em) and they start off with Inis Mona. Sound is great for the most part. Then they played Of Wind, Fire, and Wisdom. Pretty awesome so far. But when they got into Bloodstained Ground is when it started to get really good. That sounded awesome live. The hurdy gurdy and violinist were really getting into it haha. At one point the bagpipe/flute guy jumped down to the security walkway and just got in my face and screamed at me cuz I was like the only one going crazy in the front to the right (everyone was going insane on the left but people were being lame to the right of the stage). I didn't know what to do so I just screamed back at him. Haha. He was really getting into it dancing and all. The rest of the songs were really good too. I hope they come back soon with a longer set and they get to play the Song of Life. Awesome opener.
Tyr: They were ok but REALLY boring. 1 guy was into em basically. A lot of people were just standing around looking. The last song was pretty good but the rest was just plain boring.
Turisas: Ok I thought they were gonna be good but they were great. They are amazing live. Holmgard and Beyond was just epic live. You can't even explain it. But the best part was definitely in the Court of Jarisleif. I was hoping they played that and they did. The violin solo was awesome live and the crowd was going crazy. The accordian player was pretty hot too haha. They got the crowd to split in 2 and hum Rasputin with the Accordian split with the Violinist which was really fun. Rasputin and Battle Metal were really fun live. One More was better than I thought...I honestly thought it was going to be boring. I honestly thought they were gonna steal the show and Ensiferum wouldn't be able to top them because they were just plain fun and energetic. They need to headline the next time they come over here.
Ensiferum: Alright so this was unreal because I was seeing one of my favorite bands of all time in the flesh finally. It didn't even seem real. I honestly didn't think they could top Turisas' performance. While Turisas' set was definitely more energetic, Ensiferum was definitely more tight and just overall better imo. They opened with Iron and went into One More Magic Potion. They didn't play Tale of Revenge like I hoped for but they played Token of Time and Guardians of Fate and those were AWESOME live. Some guy in the crowd kept yelling "Windrider!" between every song and Petri just kept saying "Nope" and finally just said something like "I choose the songs not you" haha. Into Battle was also great live and Lai Lai Hei was fun too. I knew Blood is the Prince of Glory would be amazing live and it was. I was headbanging until my neck hurt on that song, it's just way better live. Finally at the end when the guy kept yelling "Windrider," I'm not sure but I think Markus played the opening riff to it just to mess with us and stopped after like 10 seconds, which was pretty funny. They came on for the encore to play Treacherous Gods and Battle Song, which were really good for ending songs. My only complaints are they didn't play Old Man, Windrider, or Hero in a Dream but they will be back so I hope they get around to those next time....and Petri's mic needed to be turned up. You could hear him, but at times you couldn't hear him well at all. But they nailed (pretty much) all the solos and you could hear them. I loved it.
9.9/10 (simply for the fact his mic needed to be turned up, then it would of been a 10)
Overall, best concert of my life. I knew this before I even went when it was announced months ago. If you saw this you know what I'm talking about. It was just really fun and an amazing experience. I can't wait until all the bands come back. Sorry for the long review ;D
Here are pics:
My loot:
Ok I'm done

Eluveitie: So they all come on (all 8 of em) and they start off with Inis Mona. Sound is great for the most part. Then they played Of Wind, Fire, and Wisdom. Pretty awesome so far. But when they got into Bloodstained Ground is when it started to get really good. That sounded awesome live. The hurdy gurdy and violinist were really getting into it haha. At one point the bagpipe/flute guy jumped down to the security walkway and just got in my face and screamed at me cuz I was like the only one going crazy in the front to the right (everyone was going insane on the left but people were being lame to the right of the stage). I didn't know what to do so I just screamed back at him. Haha. He was really getting into it dancing and all. The rest of the songs were really good too. I hope they come back soon with a longer set and they get to play the Song of Life. Awesome opener.
Tyr: They were ok but REALLY boring. 1 guy was into em basically. A lot of people were just standing around looking. The last song was pretty good but the rest was just plain boring.
Turisas: Ok I thought they were gonna be good but they were great. They are amazing live. Holmgard and Beyond was just epic live. You can't even explain it. But the best part was definitely in the Court of Jarisleif. I was hoping they played that and they did. The violin solo was awesome live and the crowd was going crazy. The accordian player was pretty hot too haha. They got the crowd to split in 2 and hum Rasputin with the Accordian split with the Violinist which was really fun. Rasputin and Battle Metal were really fun live. One More was better than I thought...I honestly thought it was going to be boring. I honestly thought they were gonna steal the show and Ensiferum wouldn't be able to top them because they were just plain fun and energetic. They need to headline the next time they come over here.
Ensiferum: Alright so this was unreal because I was seeing one of my favorite bands of all time in the flesh finally. It didn't even seem real. I honestly didn't think they could top Turisas' performance. While Turisas' set was definitely more energetic, Ensiferum was definitely more tight and just overall better imo. They opened with Iron and went into One More Magic Potion. They didn't play Tale of Revenge like I hoped for but they played Token of Time and Guardians of Fate and those were AWESOME live. Some guy in the crowd kept yelling "Windrider!" between every song and Petri just kept saying "Nope" and finally just said something like "I choose the songs not you" haha. Into Battle was also great live and Lai Lai Hei was fun too. I knew Blood is the Prince of Glory would be amazing live and it was. I was headbanging until my neck hurt on that song, it's just way better live. Finally at the end when the guy kept yelling "Windrider," I'm not sure but I think Markus played the opening riff to it just to mess with us and stopped after like 10 seconds, which was pretty funny. They came on for the encore to play Treacherous Gods and Battle Song, which were really good for ending songs. My only complaints are they didn't play Old Man, Windrider, or Hero in a Dream but they will be back so I hope they get around to those next time....and Petri's mic needed to be turned up. You could hear him, but at times you couldn't hear him well at all. But they nailed (pretty much) all the solos and you could hear them. I loved it.
9.9/10 (simply for the fact his mic needed to be turned up, then it would of been a 10)
Overall, best concert of my life. I knew this before I even went when it was announced months ago. If you saw this you know what I'm talking about. It was just really fun and an amazing experience. I can't wait until all the bands come back. Sorry for the long review ;D
Here are pics:



My loot:

Ok I'm done