KSE/Dragonforce/Chimaira Atlanta 3/7


Guitars - Halcyon Way
Nov 9, 2003
Hey, anyone else here at this show? I'm a big KSE fan, but Chimaira really threw down as well. DF are absolutely insane players, and they put on a good show in terms of stage presence, but I thought I was going to fall asleep 10 minutes into their set. They were fun to watch for about 2 songs but I couldn't tell one song from another in any way shape or form. I got really, really, really bored. Anyone else feel that way about these guys? Really....I couldn't remember one melody, one riff, one groove, one hook, nothing. It was like a wall of notes.
I went only for Dragonforce and they were the only band of the night I enjoyed. He is Legend is in my top 5 worst live bands I've ever seen.
...I couldn't go because I had to be at work. :(

I couldn't go because I have better taste in metal. :Smug:

I'm kidding! I'm kidding! Put down the flame throwers. :rolleyes: I couldn't go because I also had to be at work this morning also. Besides, I've seen Dragonforce. And like Jon said - when you've seen/heard two songs, you've pretty much heard them all. Nice stage presence, but after a few songs, I'm numb. :ill:
So? I want to know the singer can belt it live like they did on the record so that I know its not all studio production. If you can't sing live, you shouldn't be singing.
Naaaa FUCK DRAGONFORCE! Cmon ignite me why don't ya. The MAIN reason i left ozzfest 06'. They are talented but so much wankery they chaffe themselves. Showing up late to the KSE show
I couldn't go because I have better taste in metal. :Smug:

I'm kidding! I'm kidding! Put down the flame throwers. :rolleyes: I couldn't go because I also had to be at work this morning also. Besides, I've seen Dragonforce. And like Jon said - when you've seen/heard two songs, you've pretty much heard them all. Nice stage presence, but after a few songs, I'm numb. :ill:

Maybe my blind love for DF doesn't let me see this, but for that 50m set I had the most fun at a concert yet so far, and didn't think it was 1 long song.