Atmospheric Black Metal!


New Metal Member
Mar 29, 2011
Hey guys! I had a question and I thought this would be a good place to get some answers.

Are there very many good atmospheric black metal bands other than Summoning? There's only been a couple decent ones that I've found hopping around online. Most of it isn't very good but the stuff that is good I like pretty much more than anything.

I found this new band called Kalona on youtube and they sound really good but I think they are so new they don't have any releases yet.

If you guys could drop some band names for me that would be great! Also if you find out anything about Kalona let me know! Thanks!
no band matches Summoning for creating atmosphere. but others try, and some exist. im sure you've heard Emperor. Their album Anthems... creates a very, very dark atmosphere. The production is something of a wonder. Not sure how they did it, but it works, and well.
I'd like to see a good clarification between atmospheric and ambient. The best I can come across is that ambient is more of an airy mellow type vibe, whereas atmospheric is more about creating a certain mental picture within any given sound texture. IE atmospheric viking metal should do a good job of allowing you to feel the longboats and heathenry and shit. While ambient viking metal probably wouldn't even work.
These guys don't sound like Summoning specifically but I get similar thrills of "ooooh" from them. Not all are created equal.

In The Woods ("Heart of Ages")
Negura Bunget
Windir sometimes
Dornenreich sometimes (more folky, less soundscapey than Summoning)
Alcest ("Le Secret")
Gris/Sombres Forets/Miserere Luminis (ML is a joint project of Gris/SF) for very depressive yet very pretty French-Canadian BM
VLE - not black metal specifically, but incredible atmosphere, some similar guitar work to Summoning in some parts

I'd like to see a good clarification between atmospheric and ambient. The best I can come across is that ambient is more of an airy mellow type vibe, whereas atmospheric is more about creating a certain mental picture within any given sound texture. IE atmospheric viking metal should do a good job of allowing you to feel the longboats and heathenry and shit. While ambient viking metal probably wouldn't even work.

Ambient IMO has a lot of repetition, perhaps long passages of single notes, and the primary focus is on texture or abstract feeling vs. atmospheric which (like you said) paints you a more visual/tangible "picture" of somewhere or something. The track "Det Som Engang Var" by Burzum is in my mind the perfect bridge between "ambient" and "atmospheric" - of course it's all relative and I'm just spouting nonsense. Also for me, "atmospheric" and "epic" often cross paths.

Maybe lists will explain what I'm trying to say better:

-Burzum, "Filosofem"
-Sunn 0)))

-early Dimmu Borgir/Emperor/...And Oceans/Borkanagar etc etc etc
Technically, I think ambient is supposed to feature sound effects (i.e. birds chirping, water running, urban commotion, etc.) whereas atmospheric is more generic and can simply refer to the use of keys or instrumental effects to create an "atmosphere." I would say that ambient can fall under atmospheric, but atmospheric doesn't necessarily mean ambient.
Musically Wolves in the Throne Room could be a good one to mention here, though they are a disgrace to black metal with their antifa-asslicking attitude and eco-feminist bullshit. It's a shame they are commonly referred to as black metal. Musically they are pretty similar to Drudkh though, and if that's only what you care about, this band might sound good for you.
How old are you? By the way, that band in your signature is really bad, and I'm a fan of Dissection, Sacramentum, and Watain.
Musically Wolves in the Throne Room could be a good one to mention here, though they are a disgrace to black metal with their antifa-asslicking attitude and eco-feminist bullshit. It's a shame they are commonly referred to as black metal. Musically they are pretty similar to Drudkh though, and if that's only what you care about, this band might sound good for you.

Hm... I thought antifa actually used to be a headache for WITTR getting a show or two cancelled for them.

As for the nurture of nature thats been a part of black metal since the second wave even though the opposite viewpoint has also always existed.