Atmospheric Black Metal!

As for the nurture of nature thats been a part of black metal since the second wave even though the opposite viewpoint has also always existed.

That's completely okay, but they basically denounce themselves from the most basic principles of black metal (war, hate, Satan etc.), and still dare to call themselves such, or disguise their music as such.

Hm... I thought antifa actually used to be a headache for WITTR getting a show or two cancelled for them.

Well, that's even worse, if they got their apologizing gay-attitude from Antifa's threats. That only shows how spinless worms they are.

"In scores of interviews we have expressed our deep philosophical and spiritual opposition to racism, anti-Semitism, authoritarianism and the glorification of war. We have specifically condemned National Socialism and the bands who explicitly or implicitly endorse these simple-minded and weak ideas."

"Wolves in the Throne Room hail from the forests of Cascadia. We play music that is inspired and informed by the tribal war-spirit found in Burzum; Our roots in the underground punk scene; deep ecology and eco-spirituality; eco-feminism; the study of myth, religion and magick; our own personal struggles to create a stronghold in this ugly and banal world, each in our own way."

"Satanism has nothing to do with our vision."

"Our souls are moved by the traditions and the energies of European heathenism. Wolves in the Throne Room seeks to reawaken ancient ways of understanding the world around us. We must re-enchant the earth and to reconnect to tradition, for our modern culture has replaced the fine craftsmanship, the myths and lore and the life-ways of times past in favor of that which is foolish, ugly and unwise.

We have always been convinced that the right-wing impulse - which is, fundamentally, totalitarian, absolutist, rigid - is a myopic worldview. Nationalism, all too often, springs from man's lower being. It is a murky and chaotic mythic space, full of unfocussed aggression and mindless, chaotic violence.

There is a romantic, noble side to nationalism which we honor and draw strength from. But are not the "nationalists" of the 20th century defined by their fearfulness; their thuggish and destructive nature; the crushing of that which is transgressive? Does the absolutism of the totalitarian state not the mirror the sheep mentality of Christianity? As things in our insane world begin to fall apart, people will seek solace in xenophobic tribalism, as they often do. There is no nobility in this.

The teleological, heroic society we see in the epics – The Iliad, Beowulf or the Táin Bó Cúailnge - is lost. It was of its time and place. National Socialist black metal is a fantasy; it is the dream of reverting to an ancient, tribal, warlike order. But this cannot be done! Masturbating over the gas-chambers is the impotence of a weak child."

"Our music is informed by eco-feminism, the idea that the destruction of the natural world is rooted in our culture's hatred of women and feminine energy. It is impossible for us to express the depth of our hatred for misogynistic metal of all stripes. The sad and lonely masturbations of a metal nerd over a Cradle of Filth poster is not so far removed from a middle-aged suburban dad's diet of Howard Stern and Playboy magazine. Both are pathetic fantasies that weaken a natural and healthy relationship between the sexes."
I've heard or heard a lot of the bands mentioned but it appears theres still a decent amount of stuff to check out! Thanks a lot guys. Keep the suggestions coming! I think there's a fine line between ambient and atmospheric. Personally I consider all ambient bands to also be atmospheric but not all atmospheric bands to be ambient. If that makes any sense...
I've heard a few songs from wolves in the throne room and I wasn't very impressed. I never researched them enough to hear about their views but after reading them I basically have zero respect for them now.
That's completely okay, but they basically denounce themselves from the most basic principles of black metal (war, hate, Satan etc.), and still dare to call themselves such, or disguise their music as such.

Oh the absolute horror!!! They are VNTRVE!!! How can people like music that others call black metal if it doesnt deal with war, hate and Satan?

Oh dear....


Btw, every other quote aside I do like this one;

Our souls are moved by the traditions and the energies of European heathenism. Wolves in the Throne Room seeks to reawaken ancient ways of understanding the world around us. We must re-enchant the earth and to reconnect to tradition, for our modern culture has replaced the fine craftsmanship, the myths and lore and the life-ways of times past in favor of that which is foolish, ugly and unwise.
Oh the absolute horror!!! They are VNTRVE!!! How can people like music that others call black metal if it doesnt deal with war, hate and Satan?

Oh dear....


That's not the point :rolleyes: The point is, they are a complete mockery of black metal, and also make themselves laughable, by giving totally contradictory statements, by changing them constantly to avoid angering/please any group which has opinions on black metal. Laughable weather vane-ideologists. Also their statements are full of useless blabber and utter bullshit to make them sound deep, philosophic or otherwise epic.
Musically Wolves in the Throne Room could be a good one to mention here, though they are a disgrace to black metal with their antifa-asslicking attitude and eco-feminist bullshit. It's a shame they are commonly referred to as black metal. Musically they are pretty similar to Drudkh though, and if that's only what you care about, this band might sound good for you.

On what grounds do you call ecofeminism bullshit? The core argument of ecofeminism is very strong- I would go so far as to say convincing, or at the very least compelling.

Also, WitTR are black metal. That is evident to anyone who has heard their music. I could think of no other genre in which they would fit. How in the heck can you say they are not?
On what grounds do you call ecofeminism bullshit? The core argument of ecofeminism is very strong- I would go so far as to say convincing, or at the very least compelling.

Well, that's completely based on opinion, but that wasn't really the point. I don't really oppose ecofeminism, I referred to it merely as it conflicts with the most principles of black metal (which they are apparently trying to be) + it pretty well points out their queerness.

Also, WitTR are black metal. That is evident to anyone who has heard their music. I could think of no other genre in which they would fit. How in the heck can you say they are not?

Yeah, safe black metal for hipsters :rolleyes: They might have some aesthetic qualities of black metal, but they lack, and they straigth out deny all the essence, that makes metal BLACK. If you're one of those people who think idology and the lyrics don't matter, and it's all about the music, you can maybe call them black METAL, but they've got nothing to do with BLACK metal.

EDIT: An example: If you're an anti-facist who dresses in a nazi-uniform (for whatever reason), that doesn't make you a nazi.

And to not get completely off-topic, Nocternity has got some pretty atmospheric stuff.

I would suggest Pensees Nocturnes but I can imagine they're super hard to get into...I personally love the fuck out of them, or rather him seeing as it's a one manner. But if neo-classical, avant-garde, symphonic, experimental, suicidal-despressive, chaotic, black metal sounds like anything you're interested in....

Definitely one of the lighter songs he has....check out Weakling as well

those lame pictures have nothing to do with his album btw...they're kind of fruity
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Well, that's completely based on opinion, but that wasn't really the point. I don't really oppose ecofeminism, I referred to it merely as it conflicts with the most principles of black metal (which they are apparently trying to be) + it pretty well points out their queerness.

First of all, there is no such thing as "pure" black metal ideology. There is an web of various beliefs, ideals, worldviews and aesthetics that are repeated throughout the genre, but there is no clear, unified vision.

That said, the two most common themes- speaking very broadly- are paganism and satanism. I think ecofeminism is very compatible with the pagan dimension of black metal. Furthermore, WitTR have a clear affinity with the pagan dimension of black metal. Thus, I see no grounds on which to say they are ideologically outside to common nexus of black metal.

Yeah, safe black metal for hipsters :rolleyes: They might have some aesthetic qualities of black metal, but they lack, and they straigth out deny all the essence, that makes metal BLACK. If you're one of those people who think idology and the lyrics don't matter, and it's all about the music, you can maybe call them black METAL, but they've got nothing to do with BLACK metal.

Again, there is no "essence" to black metal. Someone like Varg has little interest in the Satanist dimension. Deathspell Omega seem to have no pagan dimension. There is no single "essence" of black metal. It seems like you're basically arguing "I don't like their music or what their ideology. Therefore, they're not black metal."
Again, there is no "essence" to black metal. Someone like Varg has little interest in the Satanist dimension. Deathspell Omega seem to have no pagan dimension. There is no single "essence" of black metal. It seems like you're basically arguing "I don't like their music or what their ideology. Therefore, they're not black metal."

Venom was the first to create black metal, it was satanic (maybe just for the show, but still). Then came Bathory who took it further, it was also satanic. Then came Euronymous, who created the modern black metal, it was satanic, he was even quoted saying "It doesn't matter what it sounds like as long as it's satanic". Black metal is supposed to be satanic, music to praise Satan, just because some people have tried to make it more mainstream and "acceptable" doesn't change what it's truly about.
Venom was the first to create black metal, it was satanic (maybe just for the show, but still). Then came Bathory who took it further, it was also satanic. Then came Euronymous, who created the modern black metal, it was satanic, he was even quoted saying "It doesn't matter what it sounds like as long as it's satanic". Black metal is supposed to be satanic, music to praise Satan, just because some people have tried to make it more mainstream and "acceptable" doesn't change what it's truly about.

Why don't you just categorise by music first then ideology second like most people? It's just retarded not to call a band like WITTR or Krallice Black Metal, because they are. By your definition bands like Immolation and Deicide are black metal too? The ideology of black metal evolved from simple satanism years and years ago, get over it.
Venom was the first to create black metal, it was satanic (maybe just for the show, but still). Then came Bathory who took it further, it was also satanic. Then came Euronymous, who created the modern black metal, it was satanic, he was even quoted saying "It doesn't matter what it sounds like as long as it's satanic". Black metal is supposed to be satanic, music to praise Satan, just because some people have tried to make it more mainstream and "acceptable" doesn't change what it's truly about.

You're argument is incoherent. The first band, Venom was only pseudo-satanic. Bands like Bathory and Mayhem then developed the genre, making it authentically Satanic. All fine and good. But why stop there? Black metal is not atemporal. Like all genres of art, it has continued to develop. People like Varg came along and integrated pagan dimensions to black metal, (and no, it wasn't be "accepted" by a larger audience). Bands like Bathory moved on to emphasize Viking lore, and bands like Enslaved further developed this dimension.

It makes no sense to stop at Mayhem and act like at that moment the genre then became set in stone. If you're gonna do that, then you might as well stop at Venom, in which case black metal doesn't require authenticity at all.

On the other hand, if we recognize the continued development of black metal, then we must recognize the role of paganism, naturalism and folklore that has become widespread in the genre. Wolves in the Throne Room, for example.
It's just retarded not to call a band like WITTR or Krallice Black Metal, because they are.

No, they are not, true black metal at least.

By your definition bands like Immolation and Deicide are black metal too? The ideology of black metal evolved from simple satanism years and years ago, get over it.

No, they have only the satanic aspect of black metal, not others.

The ideology of black metal evolved from simple satanism years and years ago, get over it.

Yes, you're right. But the whole point is, that "the simple satanism" is the TRUE ideology of black metal. There are bands that play music that sounds like black metal, and share an ideology other than satanism, and claim it's black metal. That's fine by me, but it's still not TRUE black metal, just twisted and perverted abomination of true black metal.

On the other hand, if we recognize the continued development of black metal, then we must recognize the role of paganism, naturalism and folklore that has become widespread in the genre. Wolves in the Throne Room, for example.

Yes, that's true, but I see them as branches that have evolved in a wrong direction, and by "wrong" I mean away from where it started (satanism).

Bottom line: black metal started as satanic, and when it evolves into not being satanic, it's not true anymore.
Technically, I think ambient is supposed to feature sound effects (i.e. birds chirping, water running, urban commotion, etc.) whereas atmospheric is more generic and can simply refer to the use of keys or instrumental effects to create an "atmosphere." I would say that ambient can fall under atmospheric, but atmospheric doesn't necessarily mean ambient.

While I agree with this line of thinking, I cant help but think most good black metal has an atmosphere. Whether its through standard riffing, unique chords and feedback, production, cymbal and drum work, etc, it is usually done to create atmosphere. Ambient black metal definitely has its distinctions imo.

The only thing I really see in common with all of the atmospheric bands is the folk influence and the nature scenescape type atmosphere that Burzum pioneered. Most of it is a bit less edgy than more traditional black metal and relies more on doom structures than black metal. Its a pretty bad genre label imo, even if I do enjoy it occasionally.

I agree with most of what has been said here, with an emphasis on:
Lunar Aurora
In The Woods - "Heart of Ages"
Negura Bunget
early Emporer, ..and Oceans
Sunn O)))

and WitTR are boring, though it looks like you already realized that.
Who cares about all that other fluff, because that's all it is. Is the music and cover art awesome? If so you need not worry about anything else.
You know what is far more silly, and pathetic than branding a band with an incorrect genre title? Arguing about what genre a band is over the internet based on a million variables that the artists themselves don't give a shit about.
I think a lot of the time people align themselves with a certain genre and if they hear a band within that genre that they don't like, they deny that they are actually included in that genre.

I love black metal. But not all of it. Actually a lot of it (most) is pretty horrible and that's the way it is for all genres. But it's my favorite genre overall.

I have a hard time with the Venom thing. They coined the term "black metal" and called themselves "black metal" but that was before "black metal" was actually a genre. So to say they are black metal like everybody says is hard for me to swallow since the genre didn't exist yet and "black metal" was just their own description of their music. I would consider them Thrash if I had to pick a genre.

Kataklysm tried to do something similar, calling themselves "northern hyperblast" but everybody knows they are death metal.