Atmospheric Black Metal!

My favorite atmospheric black metal band has to be Drudkh. I love pretty much everything they released. I also have a great deal of appreciation for the later Negura Bunget stuff. And then we have Burzum of course. It was a while since I listened to the style (outside of these three bands) so I have forgotten to mention a bunch of other bands unfortunately :/ THese three might be my favorites though.
Does anyone listen to black metal for reasons other than it being cool dark music?

I listen to BM because it's very hypnotic and entrancing, and most of it conjures up a really interesting soundscape in general, so I don't know which orifice Mr. Necroraven is pulling his golden nuggets from. :lol:

But regardless, as I said before, if he wants to use an antiquated, now-incorrect definition of "black metal", he can feel free, but I hope he doesn't get upset when he's told so. :lol:
Um.....I don't generally care for BM, but I really dig Fen. They really do capture the essence of this bleak landscape incredibly well.

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Not sure if they've been mentioned but Darkspace are a very well thought of atmospheric black metal band. I personally have never been into them myself though.
I listen to BM because it's very hypnotic and entrancing, and most of it conjures up a really interesting soundscape in general, so I don't know which orifice Mr. Necroraven is pulling his golden nuggets from. :lol:

But regardless, as I said before, if he wants to use an antiquated, now-incorrect definition of "black metal", he can feel free, but I hope he doesn't get upset when he's told so. :lol:

Psh, I only listen to black metal for the ever so deep, satanic lyrics as it is clearly its strongest point since satanism isn't by any means even more laughable than Christianity. Oh, wait.
Doden, all very good points, and you're right, I had forgotten that Varg referred to himself as a satanist early on. Its been ages since I read old interviews with Varg. I guess I've just come to interpret all his music from his currant pagan ideology, which may be a mistake on my part. However, I think it is worth noting that he now claims that the self-proclamation of Satanism was a misunderstanding on his part.

I understand what you're saying, and I've read all of Varg's articles actually, but I feel it's more relevant to focus on his comments that are contemporaneous with the time that he actually composed the music in question than his equivocations a decade and a half later. The main thing to take away from the comments that I originally posted is that Varg was involved in the Norwegian tradition that Euronymous was promoting, namely black metal that stems from the Satanic background of his influences (Venom, Bathory, Hellhammer, etc.), and that the main 3 bands that were a part of this movement were Mayhem, Darkthrone, and Burzum, although Varg seemed less certain of his desire to be portrayed as a Satanist and obviously quickly moved on from that idea, even though elements of it can be traced throughout all of his pre-jail material, since much of it was written between 1991-1993 anyway, and it was in late 1993 or early 1994 that he began to 'mature'.

But regardless, as I said before, if he wants to use an antiquated, now-incorrect definition of "black metal", he can feel free, but I hope he doesn't get upset when he's told so. :lol:

"Antiquated" definitions don't become "incorrect" you retard. Obviously, being a Canadian and a butt, you don't understand fully how language actually works. It's perfectly valid, although incomplete, to speak of black metal as having its origins in Satanism, and the listener should understand the meaning behind it. Of course people like Necroraven don't help by acting immaturely about it, but if his name and signature are not enough to know not to take what he says seriously, that's your own fault.
hey, what about Blut Aus Nord?? they're quite atmospheric

At least The Work Which Transforms God is pretty good, and yeah, they are atmospheric and worth mentioning in this thread.

but if his name and signature are not enough to know not to take what he says seriously, that's your own fault.

Heh, if you judge by signature and/or name, there aren't many here you can take seriously.

By the way, that band in your signature is really bad, and I'm a fan of Dissection, Sacramentum, and Watain.

So? :lol: I'm not interested in your taste in music.
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I understand what you're saying, and I've read all of Varg's articles actually, but I feel it's more relevant to focus on his comments that are contemporaneous with the time that he actually composed the music in question than his equivocations a decade and a half later. The main thing to take away from the comments that I originally posted is that Varg was involved in the Norwegian tradition that Euronymous was promoting, namely black metal that stems from the Satanic background of his influences (Venom, Bathory, Hellhammer, etc.), and that the main 3 bands that were a part of this movement were Mayhem, Darkthrone, and Burzum, although Varg seemed less certain of his desire to be portrayed as a Satanist and obviously quickly moved on from that idea, even though elements of it can be traced throughout all of his pre-jail material, since much of it was written between 1991-1993 anyway, and it was in late 1993 or early 1994 that he began to 'mature'.

I think one needs to balance granting his current interpretation of what he "really meant" with what he said at the time. 18-20 year olds typically are still figuring a lot out, and often are inclined to go for the more extreme or simplistic ideologies (i.e. Satanism contra Paganism). So it doesn't seem far fetched to me that what appealed to him about Satanism was really that it shares certain aspects with Pagan ideology, and when he learned more about Paganism, he threw away the ladder of Satanism. so to speak.

Nonetheless, you are correct, regardless of the reason, he did at one claim to be a Satanist.
Heh, if you judge by signature and/or name, there aren't many here you can take seriously.

So? :lol: I'm not interested in your taste in music.

Everybody who's been posting here for more than a few days knows to take me seriously. You, however, are just some kid that makes a stale replication of Dissection and has a lot of growing up to do. Also, I see you removed that embarrassing album cover from your signature. I thank you for that, yet at the same time I lament its departure because it made me laugh. And although you may not be "interested" in my taste of music, it seems that we do listen to a lot of similar music. However, that doesn't make you anything more than an immature tryhard.

crimsonfloyd: Although I'm perhaps slightly less inclined than you to give Varg a pass on his revisionism of his early works, I do largely agree with you, especially with your comment that "when he learned more about Paganism, he threw away the ladder of Satanism", as that seems about right to me.
Thy Light is mostly labeled as depressive bm, but it's quite atmospheric too.

Everybody who's been posting here for more than a few days knows to take me seriously. You, however, are just some kid that makes a stale replication of Dissection and has a lot of growing up to do. Also, I see you removed that embarrassing album cover from your signature. I thank you for that, yet at the same time I lament its departure because it made me laugh. And although you may not be "interested" in my taste of music, it seems that we do listen to a lot of similar music. However, that doesn't make you anything more than an immature tryhard.

I wasn't talking about your seriousness, but users in general :rolleyes: But fine by me. If you wish to continue, you can do it with PM.
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"Antiquated" definitions don't become "incorrect" you retard. Obviously, being a Canadian and a butt, you don't understand fully how language actually works. It's perfectly valid, although incomplete, to speak of black metal as having its origins in Satanism, and the listener should understand the meaning behind it. Of course people like Necroraven don't help by acting immaturely about it, but if his name and signature are not enough to know not to take what he says seriously, that's your own fault.

Black metal has evolved to the point where what he is saying is indeed "incorrect". It is no longer built on a base of Satanic ideals, like it was in the past, and to assume that it must be in order to be "TRVE", is just idiocy (although to be honest, the entire "TRVE" concept is laughable in general).
You're too stupid to even understand what I said so I'm not going to reply to what you said other than to say that terms retain their historical meaning regardless of how they evolve.