Atmospheric Black Metal!

This thread is fucked...nothing against PH or anyone but fuck me,it's basically an open invitation for retard posts.I don't care at all for whatever ppl post but this newbie poster was looking for recs for bands similar to Summoning,what did he get?....bombarded with crap!
I know nothing about the new Summoning album but i'll send the dudes a message tommorow when i'm not so drunk.something's gotta be going on in middle earth!
This thread is fucked...nothing against PH or anyone but fuck me,it's basically an open invitation for retard posts.I don't care at all for whatever ppl post but this newbie poster was looking for recs for bands similar to Summoning,what did he get?....bombarded with crap!

I do not really give a fuck about that and haven't even read what people told him, I'll answer by saying just one thing: he spoke about ATMOSPHERIC Black Metal, so I, as retarded as I am (guess: sarcasm? Noooooooo), recommended him some atmospheric Black Metal bands whether it was Folk, Symphonic or whatever.
This could be labeled as atmospheric. It's pretty fucked up though.

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I couldn't get into Stalaggh...I was a pretty big fan of Axis of Perdition and heard Stalaggh was similar, so I checked them out and yeah...disappointed...but that's just me
I do not really give a fuck about that and haven't even read what people told him, I'll answer by saying just one thing: he spoke about ATMOSPHERIC Black Metal, so I, as retarded as I am (guess: sarcasm? Noooooooo), recommended him some atmospheric Black Metal bands whether it was Folk, Symphonic or whatever.

This thread is fucked...nothing against PH or anyone but fuck me,it's basically an open invitation for retard posts.I don't care at all for whatever ppl post but this newbie poster was looking for recs for bands similar to Summoning,what did he get?....bombarded with crap!

Why do you guys always have to fight.
Can't everyone just be friends

Considering that Summoning is imo the best band in the world, I'm following this thread closely now and am about to check out every band that's been posted.
I've listened to about 15 of the bands posted here so far and I have to say that I agree with Uneasy Conscience, none really sound like Summoning. I have found a couple good songs during the search though. And it's not surprising that Summoning has such a unique sound... not every band can be the pinnacle of music.
Summoning can be pretty badass but for every Nightshade Forests or Lugburz they have some silly fantasy type song. Yes, their material is fantasy driven, but some of it has a metal sound and others have way too much of an 8-bit sound.
I still don't buy the argument attributing ideology as an essential tenet of black metal. It seems like a flawed process of identification to me. Of course, because the satanic elements were often done for theatrical purposes, and the medium itself is an art form, that might nullify the issue.

It just seems to me that if ideology can always be redescribed as subject position (i.e. what people believe isn't absolute truth, it's merely the result of their position in the world), then it's useless to try and ascribe ideology as a defining factor of a musical genre. My example would be that the founders of America were deists, but that doesn't mean you have to practice deism in order to be considered American. Then again, I understand that the satanist aspects were often done for performance purposes; but if they're performative anyway, why are they necessary to the genre? The music is the vehicle for the ideology, not the other way around. It seems to me that it doesn't matter whether the satanism is "real" or "fake."