Atmospheric Metal


New Metal Member
Aug 20, 2007
Can anybody recommend any decent metal bands that create an epic atmosphere on their records?

I'm really into black metal at the moment and I love Bands like Bathory, Dissection and early Burzum. I'm also a big fan of Emperor's In The Nightside Eclipse album! :headbang:

It doesn't matter on the genre or even if it's purely symphonic/ambient as long as it's atmospheric.:)

Darkspace is what you've been waiting for. Good luck hunting their albums down ;)
if you like darkspace then you'd also dig Paysage d'hiver, Winterkaelte and Nacht are very similar to Darkspace I.

I'm also a big fan of Emperor's In The Nightside Eclipse album!
Kataxu - Hunger of elements.
Thanks for the big response to my thread.

I checked out a few of the bands mentioned and I really liked Agalloch and Kataxu! It's exactly the sort of stuff I'm looking for!:)

And yeah, by early Burzum I mean his metal albums.
some people are recommending stuff i wouldnt say is particularly atmospheric...

sacramentum - far away from the sun
immortal - pure holocaust
beherit - drawing down the moon
graveland - thousand swords
kvist - for kunsten maa vi evig vike
summoning - dol guldur
sorcier des glaces - snowland
gontyna kry - welowie
veles - night on the bare mountain
yamatu - shurpu absu
skepticism - stormcrowfleet
incantation - onward to golgotha
infester - to the depths... in degradation