Black Metal Album Recommendations?


Aug 14, 2006
Buffalo, N.Y.
Hey, i'm relativly new to BM. I have a handful of albums but was wondering if anyone could offer any ideas as to what is out there. I have a few essentials such as Emperor's In the Nightside Eclipse, Anthems, and Burzum's Hvis Lyset Tar Oss

I prefer Melodic BM. Such as Old Mans Child and Abyssos. Keyboards are a must for me, as i do not like too much Raw Black Metal. I feel they add a tremendous amount of atmosphere.

I was looking into the following albums.

Xasthur - Subliminal Genocide
Drowning the Light - An Alignment of Dead Stars

I have also read that Ulver's Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr i 5 Capitler is a masterpiece.

Are these worth while? Any suggestions?
Get Bergtatt asap. Also if you end up liking that try some Agalloch.

For keys try Limbonic Art, ideally In Abhorrence Dementia or Moon in the Scorpio. Or Nocternity - Onyx for something a little more subtle and not theatrical.
Get Bergtatt asap. Also if you end up liking that try some Agalloch.

For keys try Limbonic Art, ideally In Abhorrence Dementia or Moon in the Scorpio. Or Nocternity - Onyx for something a little more subtle and not theatrical.

Nice, i've heard dozens praise Bergatt as a top 5 BM album of the mid 90's.

I've tryed to get into Limbonic Art several years ago, when my ear wasn't as ept. The experience will be vastly different this time around.

Thanx :rock:
Ulver's first two albums (Bergtatt and Kveldssanger) would probably rank in my top 10-15 albums for the '90s period...that's a little excessive for this board though probably.
You might like Catamenia and Dark Fortress if you prefer MBM. Check out The Time Unchained for catamenia and Eidolon for Dark Fortress.
Okay, I've been reading about Hecate Enthroned lately and this album sounds great, so I'll definitely be looking for it. What others would you recommend?

Nice, you should its a good album. Let me know what you think of it when you have listened to it.

As far as any other recommendations, are you asking for other HE albums or just other black metal albums?
I love my melodic black metal....

Just a few no one else has recommended:

Ajattara - Itse
Anorexia Nervosa - Drudenhaus
Arthemesia - Devs-Iratvs
Bishop Of Hexen - The Nightmarish Compositions
Dimmu Borgir - For All Tid / Stormblast
Graveworm - When Daylight's Gone
Midvinter - At the Sight of the Apocalypse Dragon
Obsidian Gate - The Nightspectral Voyage

I know alot more, if those are what you're looking for.
Mirrorthrone - sort of avantgarde, but loads of symphonic keys
Absu - newest album is very melodic and fast
Altar Of Plagues - not traditional, more of a post atmosphere, but quite melodic
Antestor - The Forsaken
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta II (YES!!)
Enslaved - progressive black metal
Negura Bunget - last 2 albums are amazing
Night Conquers Day