Atrox first reviews

monikaedv said:
Nina Hagen is German and is a bit in the punk vein but hmmm not really... uhhh, I have only two albums of her. I recommend "Nunsexmonkrock". She makes lots of funny voices and the songs are great too. "Nina Hagen Band" is a bit more straight edge rock, but it's cool as well. Would like to get more of her albums but I don't quite know where to start.

Yma Sumac is is from Peru and she sang in lots of Hollywood (?) movies in the 1950s... Her voice spans over 5 octaves and she sings both ultra-high notes, sounding pretty much like a bird (she learned to sing by singing along with birds when she was a child) and very dark notes, in a harsh voice. I have "Voice of the Xtabay".

Sainkho Namtchylak is from Tuva in Sibir. She is said to have 7 octaves!!!!!!! She does lots of ultra cool things with her voice, both Tuvan folk songs and own compositions. I have learned a lot by listening to her. Check out "Stepmother City", "Naked Spirit" and "Out of Tuva".

Sussan Deyhim is Persian and she sings sufi songs and more avant garde stuff. Sensual, mysterious, spooky... really cool. Check out "Madman of God" and "Majoun" (that's Richard Horowitz and Sussan Deyhim). She also sings a bit on "Sahara Blue" by Hector Zazou, along with Dead Can Dance and other artists...

Krøyt... The singer has a sometimes very sweet, sometimes very harsh voice, very special voice actually. Homepage: - there are soundclips there as well...

I have began to listen
It is a little hard to find all but I have found some songs from Nina Hagen, Krøyt, and one from Sainkho Namtchylak, I will search CDs or more song because I want to hear more... It is really cool...
I aslo want to become a better singer and I think it is good music in order to work.
thanks :)
Klaair said:
I have began to listen
It is a little hard to find all but I have found some songs from Nina Hagen, Krøyt, and one from Sainkho Namtchylak, I will search CDs or more song because I want to hear more... It is really cool...
I aslo want to become a better singer and I think it is good music in order to work.
thanks :)

yes it is :)
Check out
You'll find Richard Horowitz & Sussan Deyhim "Majoun" at $4.99, Sainkho "Naked Spirit" at $7.99, two Yma Sumac albums at $5.99, some Nina Hagen albums and more... I also recommend Shai no Shai "Human Condition". It costs $2.99. It's some kind of folk music with violin, guitars and a female singer who sings a bit Arabian-inspired... Cool stuff!

I have ordered from this place many times, the CDs are secondhand but they're always in perfect condition and they send it pretty fast and everything...
:Spin: :Spin: :Spin:
dimensionidol said:
i am talkin' to klaair..obviously;)

the web site is under construction :)
but an album will be out at the beginning of the year but I don't sing on this album because I am new in the band.
But in the next album and for concerts, I will sing.
At this time, the way of singing is "normal" but I want to change it a little bit in the future...
Newbie posting, consumer, having discovered this thread:

Firstly, I would like to thank Atrox for another great album. The icing on the cake with Orgasm is the superb production, clean and balanced. (though I do have a soft spot for Monika's unbridled singing "letting rip" on Contentum). I just like the music to wash over me, but to hear different details and nuances surface on replay - most satisfying. And replayed it is - again and again and again.

Secondly, after wading neck deep through pages and pages of reviews, it was really good to read this chat on female avant-garde singers. The really good girls sing to me (Ha, I wont mention the naughty ones :), so it is good to discover more.

The Kroyt samples are excellent. I would really like to get their CDs.
monikaedv said:
Both of you: OK cool! Do any of you know anywhere to download the Neurosis/Jarboe album? I'm not sure if it's cool so it'd be boring to buy it and be disappointed...
go there:

download the software...and then you will find plenty of great avantgarde and odd musical fan with all you need(even jarboe-neurosis)....soulseek is a peer to peer like KAZAA or WINMX but more focused on experimental stuff...

as for jarboe..i like only the stuffs she made with SWANS...i don't like so much the neo folk things....

i also don't like the last neurosis....

anyway i haven't listened to their collaboration...

hi there,
I already listened a few times to the new Jarboe/Neurosis album and I've found it quite amazing and seductive (of a sick seduction so to say).
As a great fan of Steve Von Till and neurosis I can't say if mine is a rational point of view, but I think it's an album to listen to as it's quite more interesting and creative than 90% stuff going around, so let me know your opinions after you will have it checked. :)
p.s. to me the last neurosis "a sun that never sets" is a masterpiece :rock:
monikaedv said:
Nina Hagen is German and is a bit in the punk vein but hmmm not really... uhhh, I have only two albums of her. I recommend "Nunsexmonkrock". She makes lots of funny voices and the songs are great too. "Nina Hagen Band" is a bit more straight edge rock, but it's cool as well. Would like to get more of her albums but I don't quite know where to start.
Did you already visit Nina Hagen´s official website I think it offers a good overview over her work. On the flash site you can listen to some songs from her new album and there´s also one section with some videos and music from former albums. (However, I don´t know if these are full-length versions or just excerpts, because I haven´t tried them myself.)
I can't use Soulseek cause it doesn't work on mac. I can't see the Nina Hagen flash version either because of the machine, but this week I'm getting a PC... Or maybe not, I'll probably have to order parts and wait for months grrrrrrrrrrrrrr :x
monikaedv said:
I can't use Soulseek cause it doesn't work on mac. I can't see the Nina Hagen flash version either because of the machine, but this week I'm getting a PC... Or maybe not, I'll probably have to order parts and wait for months grrrrrrrrrrrrrr :x

I can send it to you...
I will put it in a page when I finish to download it

I will tell you the adress in private message soon.
(also a great inti inside the site)
"Orgasm", uscito nell'autunno del 2003, è il quarto album degli Atrox, band sulle scene da diversi anni che ha affrontato infiniti cambi di formazione e diversi problemi con le case discografiche. Ora, accasati presso la code666, gli Atrox sembrano aver trovato la giusta dimensione, nonché, per quanto ho potuto ascoltare delle loro produzioni passate, un equilibrio notevole nella loro proposta musicale. Poiché non è il caso di complicare una descrizione cercando definizioni strambe, si può dire che i cinque ragazzi intendono suonare metal in maniera "progressive", ma - come spesso succede ? in passato è mancata loro la capacità di colpire sempre nel segno, ovvero di essere diretti, senza annoiare l'ascoltatore perdendosi in noiosi virtuosismi. A "Orgasm" non difetta nulla dal punto di vista tecnico, ma la novità significativa è che si tratta di un album per la sua interezza coinvolgente e dal quale non ci si distrae. Pezzi come "Flesh City" e "Burning Bridges" sono sia delle cavalcate furiose sia delle dimostrazioni di bravura, frutto, come mi è sembrato di dedurre dall'intervista pubblicata su Fucine Mute, di una mediazione tra le inclinazioni eclettiche della cantante Monika Edvardsen e la volontà del chitarrista Eivind Fjoseide (che fa parte anche degli splendidi e stranianti Manes) di rimanere d'impatto. Ecco dunque che le due canzoni succitate, tra improvvisi cambi di tempo e un riffing intensissimo, non perdono mai di mordente. Aggiungerei anche il colpo sulla nuca inferto da "Secondhand Traumas", traccia che, dopo un inizio moderato, sferra un nuovo attacco in pieno stile thrash.
Questo equilibrio tra abilità e freschezza era la novità importante da sottolineare, ma la band di Trondheim (Norvegia) ha mantenuto anche le buone abitudini del passato. La prima è sicuramente Monika stessa, che, per chi non lo sapesse, è solitamente riconosciuta come il punto di forza del gruppo, a causa delle sue notevoli capacità vocali. In questo album è ? a mio avviso - completamente pazza, ma, soprattutto, "divertita": come spiegare altrimenti la performance della prima traccia, "Methods of Survival"? Si tratta di un pezzo che parte mediamente sostenuto e in seguito si placa. La Edvardsen sembra quasi non voler essere ingombrante ? per i suoi canoni - nell'economia della canzone, tanto che il tutto sembra quasi perdersi in un gioco di chitarra quasi burlesco (mi ha ricordato i momenti de "La Masquerade Infernale" nei quali gli Arcturus facevano i giullari), ma all?improvviso lei si produce in delle urla folli e acutissime in contemporanea a un indescrivibile diluvio di doppia cassa che scuote nuovamente l'esterrefatto ascoltatore.
A prova delle capacità istrioniche di Monika sta la spassosissima cover dell'album, della quale è lei stessa l?autrice: in pratica, una sorta di quadro di Bosch calato nel mondo dei cartoon; per non parlare del retro del cd, dove la cantante gioca amabilmente con un nome che lei stessa ammette non avere quasi più nulla a che spartire con il gruppo. Alle atrocità si è sostituito il gioco: se il mostruoso c?è, è quello ironico di un immaginario alla Tim Burton. Non va dimenticato inoltre il fatto che è lei a dare l'ultima cesellata ad alcuni brani attraverso soluzioni tastieristiche, probabilmente - visto che non ho avuto la possibilità di ascoltarlo - derivate dalla sua esperienza con l'altro suo progetto
Goddaaaaamn this forum has become so fucking slow!!!!! Thanks Klaair for the mp3s of Neurosis & Jarboe! Cool album, indeed! Those who likes it should also check out Blackmouth - s/t. That's Jarboe and a guy from a industrial project called something like C19h7693 - I never remember that stupid name... I found the album at