ATROX is good but a little disappointing...


free thinker
Jul 21, 2002
north of italy
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i received the new ATROX "orgasm" cd yesterday...and i immediately listened to it as a great fan i am...

i am surprised by the production it is really good...

i really like first and last songs...

songwriting is far better then before..and every musician made a great step forward...

but there was something missed!

and then i realize what's the problem(at least to me)...

the vocals...!

monika's voice is still great and more mature but there is a lack of energy and intensity...

then male backing vocals are useless.....i don't like it in the atrox mood....

they have lost one of their great peculiarities:

they were unique 'cause they had kind of vocals solos instead of guitar solos....

now they are much more similar to the progressive (in good sense:p)side...

so i prefer bands like THE PROVENANCE ....

don't worry monika if "still at arms lenght" by provenance is a 10/10 "orgasm" is 9/10...

i am still a great fan!

go on!



p.s. anyway i have to listen to it better...i think...
well, it's hard to please everyone, just yesterday i read a review of "Orgasm" stating that Monika's vocals are too weird and experimental and so the good music is ruined by this :)

personally I think that Orgasm is their best album so far, but I believe also that the next one will be better.
As Emi can attest, I was not a big fan of the disc and her vocals when I recieved the promo from Code.

Then last night for some reason I put it on when a friend was here to get her opinion and started to like it more. Actually the reason was that Sarah McLaughlan (sp. ?) was on TV singing some song that was not going anywhere. And she reminded me of Monika for some reason (not in a bad way) :)

The vocals still take time to get used to and are not really my cup of tea but overall they work well especially (in a strange way) when sung over the more aggressive passages of certain tracks. I like how the agressivenes of the music counter balances her style .. more so than in the mellower passages.

Actually my friend really liked it and wanted to hear more.

I think this CD might grow on me over time.
dimensionidol said:
but i still prefer "terrestrials" and "contentum"...
I agree with you, expecially "Contentum": that's for me one of the best albums of all time!
On the contrary, I like the male vocals parts, but I regret the atmospherical-keyboards which were present in "Contentum" and not in "Terrestrials" and "Orgasm".