Attack to Hammerfall


Jun 24, 2002
Joacim of Hammerfall was attacked the last weekend. According the band, the assault was from a black metal fan.

Outcome is a big hurting with 25 stitches in their head...:zombie:

What do you think about it...????

I don`t like that band, I really hate that band, but I think that if I would come across them I wouldn`t try to do something against them...
You're way too late my friend, this thread has been in every forum already and discussed several times.

Anyway, I'm not a Hammerfall fan either, but the guy who did this really seem to be a fucking shithead....
The fact that the man is a blackmetalfan is a bullshit statement.. Don´t blame it on such people.. It´s the same as calling someone a satanist just because they are desecrating churches...

I have sympathy for Joachim, and the dickhead that caused the incident should die in painfull ways...
Correction: It was the press who said it was a person wearing a black metal shirt. As far as I am concerned, it could as well have been a Dark Tranquillity or a Dimmu Borgir shirt and not an actual black metal (as in a genre, not as in a black shirt with a metal logo) shirt.
Originally posted by Sonnenritter
I think it's fucking hilarious! If someone attacks bands because he doesn't like them, I wonder what some Euronymous-obsessed dickhead is going to do to Varg when he gets out.

I think there is already a nice long line of people waiting to get at Varg when he is released from jail...
Originally posted by MacMoney
Correction: It was the press who said it was a person wearing a black metal shirt.
Correction: This was in fact stated by the band themselves....

And though I'm not for the "all metal fans should stick together", I'd rather keep going on ignoring stuff I don't find interesting, than waste my time physically attacking people..
OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!
The black metal fan totally fucked him!!!:heh:
I think it would be better if he let Joacim dump/mute.... instead of what he did.... heehe
Just more proof of the ignorance of people... I always laugh at these people who have the misconception that they're "true" because they listen to "true" bands... Ok, if you're so true because you listen to Darkthrone or whatever else, fly out to Norway and meet up with some of the Black Circle, and let them know you're true, and you'd like to join their little group. They'd take one look at you and probably kick your ass for being a fag. It's just hilarious to watch all these little idiots putting down other bands and people, and ranting about how much of a true metal fan they are..... Haha, well, I've got some bad news for you, you're a bunch of wanna-bees, and you're just as much of a fag to these people you worship like fools as HammerFall.

Ok, there's my rant for the day
Hehe.. If they'd approach Fenriz, I guess they would be devastated to learn he's in fact a rather jolly humorous kiddo :lol:
I guess a few "too serious" germans have done this, from what I've heard, anyways :cool: