you want versatile? well, a lot of the versatility is in the amp you have. to get really versatile, an effects pedal hooked into an amp is great (i use a Zoom GFX 707 into a Marshall G80R-CD, with my Jackson PS-4). Also, though, a guitar with humbuckers that can also be cut down to single-coil picks up would be great if you're gonna look for a funk/bluesy sound as well as the rawness of early 80's metal and heavyiness/power of Blind Guardian and the Painkiller/Ram it down time of JP. An effects pedal or rack-mounted amp (eg a JMP-1 Marshall pre-amp (wantwantwantwantwantwant...*drool*) will give you the heavy and powerful but "smooth" sound of BNW Maiden.
All of these things are gradually pushing up the price, though. My effects pedal cost me £100, my amp £230, and my guitar £300 (not to mention cables and power-supplies another £50 or so), but i can get a LOT of sounds. Not qiute figured out how to get a true blues sound yet, but i'm getting there.
If you want Blues and Metal on one guitar, try looking for a guitar with a single-coil neck pick-up while it has a Humbucker in the bridge (and a middle-coil pick-up if you want (probaby sinlge-coil too) but the middle pick-up is gonna push up the price again and might not be totally nessecary). I think the Jackson PS-2 has that pick-up setting and also comes with a Floyd Rose trem (great for dive-bombs and whammy-bar stuff in metal). not sure of the price of a PS-2, though. I'd guess around £200 to £250, but you might be able to get one second hand for maybe £100, £150. not sure of the conversion rates, but a £ is normally worth more than a $ so i'd guess it's probably a bit expensive. You might be able to find a second hand Epiphone with within your price range, although as they're a cheaper side of Gibson there are mostly Les Pauls, SG's etc which all have humbuckers (and as their PAF's good for getting that Slash and Dave Edmunds sound.....great for me! probably not for many other people though....). I have to confess my knowledge of guitars is now stretched to the limit. I've never heard of GB guitars, but if they suit you then get it. we can only give you advice and our advice will hinge towards our own tastes. The final decision is, obviously, yours. Get the guitar you like the most that you can afford.