Attention: Psychedelia Wanted!!!

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
Anybody got some GREAT reccomendations for some psychedelic rock/metal? Something in the vein of as follows:

early Pink Floyd
Masters of Reality
Dead Meadow
Eternal Elysium get the drift.

I want to enter orbit.
hm check these:
Jefferson Airplane - Surrealistic Pillow
Liquid Sound Company - Exploring The Psychedelic (John Perez of SA is behind this project)
Still Life - s/t
Amon Duul II - Phallus Dei
Astrosoniq - Soundgrenade
for beginning. Although "psychedelic rock" as a genre is a little bit different from what i think you are searching for.
if you are looking for some obscure 60's rock psychedelia, now don't laugh at this, search out the monkees - head soundtrack. tripped out soundtrack to one of the strangest drug movies to come out of the 60's. They pulled every trick out of the book to stray far away from the bubble gum pop image they had with this release.

I said No Laughing!!

the song, "porpoise song" that Trouble covered on their last album, was from said monkees album. and lid even covered one of the monkees psychedlic era songs. Eric Wagner admitted they were a big influence on him.

Evil C.
King Crimson - Starless and Bible Black
Vaguely psychadelic, but it's pretty damn trippy even in comparison to their other stuff. Either way it's a must own, I fucking love this album.

Pink Floyd - Piper at the Gates of Dawn
Pretty sure you had this already, but just figured I should remind you how much of a mindfuck it is (as if you didn't already know).

George Harrison - All Things Must Pass
Only a few moments of out there stuff (mostly toward the end of the second disc / third vinyl), but I got high to this album once and I Dig Love almost sent me to another plane of existence. Either way everyone should own this album, probably my 3rd favorite of all time. :)

The Jesus and Mary Chain - Psychocandy
Here's a weird one, probably doesn't quite fit the description you're after but it fucks with my head something fierce. Good stuff, first heard it when I was 3. EDIT: Scratch that, I was 6 when the album came out it seems. Either way I heard these dudes at a very young age. :loco:

Mr. Bungle - California
Just a brainkiller, simple as that.

PS: Thank you SOOOOOOOOOO much for that Ufomammut, it's still totally kicking my ass.
anyone else here diggin' Sun Dial's "Other Way Out," Dark Fog's "Cosmic Tone" and Dead Meadow's "Feathers"? These are three psych-ish albums that fucking rule as far as I'm concerned. I need more of this kind of stuff.

Also, Cream's "Disraeli Gears" :kickass:
anyone else here diggin' Sun Dial's "Other Way Out," Dark Fog's "Cosmic Tone" and Dead Meadow's "Feathers"? These are three psych-ish albums that fucking rule as far as I'm concerned. I need more of this kind of stuff.

Also, Cream's "Disraeli Gears" :kickass:

Matt (CA) , upload some of that shit gangsta. :kickass:
Ghost... Here's an excellent one.

Don't have it, but it's definitely awesome.

I need to hear tracks from this album, or I'll be forced to blind buy. I've been listening to their song "It's a Rainy Day, Sunshine Girl" on loop for the past hour. :)

Checking out this Ghost mp3. :rock:

Edit- This is fucking Grand!!! These guys are from Japan correct??!