Attention Saxon and Biff


Jun 14, 2004
Please note that when you play in Greece, DO NOT Include so many songs from the new album because you know how wild we are and how we love the old stuff!If you do you will not get the energy you expect from the crazy greek fans.
(a personal request is stallions of the highway but i think i'm asking too much since you've decided to play so many songs from the new album and leave out so many great songs)
Thank you.
Well,the way I got to know Biff he alone picks the songs for the setlist and sticks to it or announces the song that just comes to chance for taking any influence here.

The best you can do is yell as loud as you can for a single song or make a sign and hold it up high ...chances are that he hears your call or sees the sign and if you are lucky he makes the band play that song...but just a single song and I'm afraid that's probably all you can do here.
Sapator - I understand that your English may not be great but...

If I was a member of the band, I'd think your statement was quite rude!

I also, love the old stuff, but how would you feel if all the recent things you did was compared in a negative fashion to past glories?
Personally, I think this is pretty narrow minded.

I also want to hear a lot of the old material, but I 'DO' expect at least three songs off the new album because I think they deserve the inclusion.
I understand that this is all about personal taste, but I know what I would think if I were Biff and Co when reading your request.

Let the band decide what they're going to play and moan or compliment afterwards, OK? Saxon are not a 'Request' band.
My English are fine thank you (although kind of rasty vocabulary). I was a student in Portshmouth you see.
Anyway, YES , i agree 3 songs will be frikin awesome but not 8! Unbelievable!8???!!!!!!!Do you think that the album is that good that 8 songs must be played?! On the contrary i think 3 new songs tops!
So what p.e. should AC/DC have done when they wrote Back in Black?! Play all the album!?
Do you knw a band with similar history as Saxon to play 8 songs from a new album?! This is the first time i see that.
Moan or compliment afterwards?! What's the point then?
In the previous gig they were so great!Nobody complained and yes i was shouting from the 1rst row STAAALLLLIIIIOOONNNSSS OOOFF TTTHHEEE HIIGGGHHWWAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!And of course they didn't play it.But the other songs were awesome so i din't complain.
But now i AM!! O.K. i know the setlist and i will be ready but imagine the other funs that they expect typical Saxon songs and they get 8 new ones?!
Tell me cuz i my be a little rusty here, where or when did Saxon do 8 songs from a new album?!And every band is a request band, you know. Imagine if they start doing all the matterial from dogs of war an beyond.
Anyway i don't in witch country you reside but here in Greece and i think i'm speaking for most of the funs WE LIKE THE OLD STUFF.PERIOD!3-4 songs from the new album will not mind but NOT 8, i repeat NOT 8!Stallions of the highway,backs to the wall,see the light shining,Still feet to boogie against English man'o'war and withcfinder general?! 3 new songs tops! (And You've got another thing coming AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Oh and Karsten. The lights are all set for a specific list of the band(any band) and they rarely do anything outside the list.Well if they have a song and see somebody asking it they may say "This is for the guys that is shouting all the time for this song" but thruth is that they have it on the setlist cuz the lights are pre-arranged for the songs.
I'm not speaking only for Saxon but for any band. Even AC/DC (they best band in the universe BTW)
Hey come on let's face it whatever Saxon play at gigs they are never going to please everyone.I for one am just grateful they are still going after all these years and still producing great music.obviously i have my favourites that i wish they would play,but if they dont play them i still know i am going to have a top night this saturday whatever they play.i have been to many Saxon gigs over the last 25 years and have never left one dissapointed yet.see you all down the front :headbang:
8 songs!!!???? Did you see that ever?!
Listen i'm not dissapointed, yet. I know i will headbang like crazy with my favorites but my only complain is that nobody does 8 NEW songs even if they are the best ever.
that's all.
And also who stopped?! Motorhead,Maiden,Priest,AC/DC,Helloween,Running Wild?!
Gotta disagree with sapator, I think Saxon playing 8 songs off the new album is brave and shows justified confidence in the new material. I want Saxon to be seen as a real, current metal band rather than somebody who relies on the Nostalgia audience by reliably recycling past glories. There's an alternative lineup going down that other route anyway.

Also, take into account two things. First, although its 8 songs 2 of them are brief Intro pieces, so its really 6 they are playing. Maiden did this on the Brave New World shows and I applauded that back then, as well.

Secondly, Saxon alway play a long set (nearly 2.5 hours?), which seems to me a good way of playing BOTH old and new stuff and has the potential to please most people I reckon. They'll always play the major classics, and I'd say Denim & Leather has a good chance of being included at least.

I'd also like to second Paxoman's comment - PLAY SEA OF LIFE!!!!!

Although experience tells me that whatever you say, chances of the band implementing setlist recommendations from this board are slim-to-none anyway.
Maiden did 5 songs and is as long as i know the limit(till now that is).And they never did it again mate.
So i say again.Or...Hey wait a minute!
justified confidence in the new material?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!
So how cum they didn't do it on Metalhead?Killing Ground?Dogs of war?Hell even on the HYPERDUPERSUPEROLALAOLEOLEOLE etc Power and the Glory?!Solid Ball of Rock?!Witch was a great cumback for the band?!WHY?!
akes you think doesn't it?!

"Although experience tells me that whatever you say, chances of the band implementing setlist recommendations from this board are slim-to-none anyway."
Youre full of S*IT!!
Naaaah sorry just joking.I Know that you are right.I guess i have to live with it but it really pisses me off mate!
Some nostalgia,yes but i wouldn't have aproblem if they did 2 songs from dogs of war another 2 from killing ground 3 from the new one and 1 from metalhead for example.
And then older stuff.No problem there, but doing 8(- the 1 minute intro of lionheart) and let's see aaaa Unleash The Beast,Dogs of war witch are 2..ONLY 2 from the previous 4 albums!!!
It's not my intension to sound rude or ungreatfull or something, i mean Saxon are inside my top5 favorite bands but i don't understand that move.They don't have good songs from the previous albums and they have 8 diamonds from the new one?!
And if you like i'll make a comprarison...
My all time Favorate(never dissapointed the funs NEVER,NEVER,NEVER) AC/DC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They never played more than 4 songs from a new album in a gig(i'm talking after Back in Black,when they has enough material in their hands).Why?So did JudasPriest, even when they had a new singer and naturally tried to promote the material with him they didn't play more than 4 songs from their new 2 albums!(juguF*ckator and Demolition).
I guess they are simply very proud of the new material and go for a new marketing campaign.
Beside being seen as "the alltime classics playing band" they really want to show off, and present their new material.
I would like more classics as well, but I consider a strong and proud modern Saxon as better than a growing old historical Saxon.

After all it's their choice, your opinion is fine, but don't forget it's only your's, and I think the way you demand something here, and codemn the desision of the band is a bit uncorteous, to say the least.
"Please note that when you play in Greece, DO NOT Include so many songs from the new album because you know how wild we are and how we love the old stuff!If you do you will not get the energy you expect from the crazy greek fans.
It's a fair trade. Many new songs less energy.
I don't speak for myself only, many pals of mine have the same oppinion.
And since you don't know Greek funs to well i'm somewere in the middle i've heard other say that they will not stand for this, hope the gig turn out peacefully cuz some of the greek funs are animals and when they get drunk you cannot control them.

"I guess they are simply very proud of the new material and go for a new marketing campaign."

Ok, must i say it 1000 times?! Why didn't they do this with the previous albums?!They thought they were crap?!

sapator said:
"Ok, must i say it 1000 times?! Why didn't they do this with the previous albums?!They thought they were crap?!

that is very simple imho, it just depends on how much you try to push something, and it seems they want to push Lionheart a lot. I don't understand why that is so hard to see.
So they didn't want to push all the other albums and they wanted to do this with Lionheard?Why?