Attention Saxon and Biff

What? You gonna say i act childish?
I don't! It' s simple, everyone that wanted new all the songs cannot complain when the band cuts a few(i hope) old ones to play new in their place.
I don't like that but anyone that wanted the full album played cannot complain.
(sorry for the shut up and stuff thow)
Patte said:
What?! no Denim & Leather?!

I know what you mean, Sammi. As I'm the type of guy who just enjoys the music and the performance very silently and still (that's just the way I am), preferably with a beer, I always do it from the back and let people who want to go crazy up front. Just as long as I have a good view of the band. I would never stand in the way of true headbangers and if everybody up front would be like me I know Biff would get very bored, wouldn't want that...
Patte - Don't worry, although they didn't do Denim and Leather at London, I know for a fact that they did it at Wolverhampton, so you may get to hear it at your gig after all :) Paxoman went to both gigs, and he tells me that the Wolverhampton setlist was very different to the London one. They did play 747, Princess, Wheels, Strong Arm, HMT and Crusader in London though, as well as lots of other old ones :)

As for you being one of those "quiet types" I moaned about, well, fair play to you - you enjoy yourself in your own way, and have the good manners to stand out of the way so those that want to go wild can do :) Shame more people don't think like you do.

Sapator - You're getting on my very last nerve and you're going to burst a blood vessel if you get yourself any more worked up. Have a lie down in a darkened room and listen to some whale music or something, for goodness sake.
Yes, whatever.
Listen mac, it's OUR GIG in Greece and we want them to play what WE want. You won't be there so leave me alone.
Well I didn't say the setlist was very different! They played three songs in Wolverhampton that they didn't play at the Astoria. And they didn't play three songs that they did play at the Astoria. Plus some of the songs were in a different order (Crusader was half way through the setlist).
They played 'Backs to the wall', Denim & Leather' and 'Witchfinder General' at Wolverhampton. They didn't play 'Searching for Atlantis', 'Jack Tar' and 'Dallas 1pm'. I just remembered that they also didn't play 'Eagle Has Landed'.

I can't believe that they didn't play 'Solid Ball Of Rock' on both nights!
Sammi - you must've read my mind!
I was at Wolverhampton and the Band's form and setlist were beyond criticism. In other words, they Fucking Rocked! Biff is a genius and top showman!
Now, I ain't a headbanger, but I love to get into music in my own physical way.
I ended up at the front and was aware of these studious people, simply standing there with a concerned expression there face. Maybe they simply like to listen to the music and absorb it etc. But I do wonder when they refrain from any facial expressions (like smiling) and refrain from applause and participation.
If this is what they want from a gig, why don't they go to the back or hide in a corner somewhere?
I was standing next to a couple of young ladies who were 5ft tops and they really wanted to enjoy themselves. Their view was very restricted by these party animals, and it obviously effected their enjoyment of the gig.
I also found it rather ironic when, during the encore, there was a little bumping from behind, where fans wanted to get closer. The Party Animals reacted with a little look over the shoulder, as if they were shocked at this behaviour.
I understand that we are all different, but if you are so self-concious (because that is what it is all about) to not let yourself go, kindly get out of the bloody way for those that do!
Sapator - I'm sure I'd love Greece with the beach and beer and stuff. But, somehow, I think the clubbing scene would put me off. Also, I have to agree with the others on the Forum. You need to chill out or you're going to give yourself a hernia or something. If you are so passionate about the setlist subjsect, write a letter to Biff or something. Because this aggresive dialogue is getting kind of boring... and remember, when you're on the forum and represent the fans - in your case, the Greek fans. If I was the band, I wouldn't be to impressed by the way you've expressed yourself.
Greek people are like that. They shout and may even do a couple o summersults in order to get the (in our case Biff's) attention.
Also Greek fans are the BEST IN THE WORLD!! Saxon knows that because they usually turn the setlist upside down in order to please us. And we shoud 2 time louder than anyone alse on wheels of steel. OO-E-OO!!!
Yes Greece is nice but no metal in the greek islands. Just party till the morning! (or till you puke anyway).
Well you get ancxious sometime, you know.
Maybe we are getting a little rusty? Maybe they will forget one of our Favorites!
So i just reminded it to them.
And the battle 8 songs vs Sapator has ended days ago.
Don't concern yourself, Sapator - Like several of us have said, Biff will know what to do on the night, OK? He is a master of it! He will certainly get the hint!

If the tickets aren't advertised yet, maybe you might get some help if you visit the official website? It might point you in the right direction.