Attention Saxon and Biff

sapator said:
So they didn't want to push all the other albums and they wanted to do this with Lionheard?Why?


Did they play new songs on those tours? Yes, they did.
Do they play more new songs now? Yes, they do.

What is the conclusion???
That they disliked the former CDs? No, it's a PR decision, not a like/dislike decision.

I rest my case here...

Poor PR decision in my view in the UK

I'm not going, Alex isnt and niether is my brother. Thats £45 down for a starters. You get a gig with 2,000 people in there. The majority go to see the old stuff not 6 new ones surely. I would have thought thats a great way to alienate the audience. They're never gonna get young peolple in as the bands too old. Where's the sense in that.

But hey what do I know I'm not a record company exec. Thats what I said on the other post, it seems to me that the albumn and tour are record company driven and that is gonna lose fans as it did in the 80's. But we all got to earn a living. Teach Biff to have his kids and private school!
"Did they play new songs on those tours? Yes, they did." BUT not 8!!!
"Do they play more new songs now? Yes, they do. it's a PR decision" I know they didn't dislike the former cd miss.
Come on guys, about what are we talking here?

Nobody is arguing about 3-4 new songs, but you are arguing about 6 song?
(I don't count the intros).

That means 10-15min of more new songs than you appreciate...10-15 minutes of a concert that is 140minutes (yesterday)...
sapator, it seems in response to my post above you are actually asking for a couple less from Lionheart and a couple more from, say, Killing Ground and Metalhead. If that's the case then I could have more sympathy with that view (I personally would love to see either Sea of Life or Shadows on the Wall live, for example). It's when people just want to hear pre-1985 Saxon and nothing else I have to object quite strongly. And, again, I don't think any suggestions on here are going to be taken seriously by the band anyway, especially since the tour is already underway and they have a new drummer who probably knows only a limited selection of material that they have elected to play.

Gregger, its a shame you're not going. I reckon you're missing a top night of Metal. But in response to your comments... the last couple of times I've seen Saxon there HAVE been quite a few younger people in the audience (I'm in my early 20s, there were plenty there my age and a few younger). I have been to some gigs where I was one of the few people there under 40 (Hawkwind and UFO, for example, nothing wrong with either of them but they don't seem to be attracting younger fans). But I don't think that's an accurate description of a Saxon gig, so you can't just assume everybody wants to hear the stuff from the old "glory days".
Nop is 5 minutes per song along with extra intros and stuff so its 6+5+5+6+5+5+2+3 = 32 ($%^$&%^*%*^)
No ok it equals eeeerrr 93 #$#$^$^##$^#^^#^ ..
Errr 37 ? YEEEEAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! so 140 -37 = 103.
Anyway i will not argue with you beatyfull Kelly no more cuz i think we are going in circles here.
And btw it's a gig that you will NOT see because it's in greece. So let the greek funs have their own oppinions and be Nostalgic and stuff. So there.
Btw i'm not sure what is the name of Kelly in greek..I think it's ...Kaliopi?I think.
Yeah out of topic i know.
Good point Nightwar.

Biff - Play 'Sea Of Life' you bastard

Hey, Paxo - I couldn't say it better myself. Somehow, I think Biff would respect a statement like that!
Can't agree more with the 'Sea Of Life'. I'd love to hear it live, but would be in a state of shock for a month if Biff and Co did!

Sapator - I commend you on your ability of the English language, but I feel that you may be feeding the fire for the sake of it. As you said, we're just going around in circles and you want what you want in Greece, so that is fine by me. Let's just chill out in the comfort that we are all Saxon fans, OK?

By the way, I recently went to see Marillion. They played 8+ songs from the new album and it was fine by me. They also didn't play ANY old stuff. I was kind of disappointed by that, but I can understand the boredom that must grow from playing the same stuff year in year out - the energy in the performance is also bound to be lost.
And, if I can recall, Bowie dropped all his old stuff from a tour a few years back. He said he was utterley bored with it all. After the short break, he's now added the old classics back to the setlist.

Maybe bands like Saxon (artists with a huge collection of classics) will follow in the footsteps of Rush, whom I saw at the NEC the other week.
No support band, but 2 X 1.5 hour sets. It worked perfectly!
So i think that we must stop here. Saxon funs must not fight each other.
Btw i know what I will do (not sure for the other Greece funs). I will give extra power,juping,headbanging on my Favorites and i will chill out on the stuff that are average for me so i will have more energy on the material i adore!
Ah, so the barfight is over. Somebody pick up all the smashed bottles and bar stools!

nightwar, an even better idea is to play 2 sets of 1.5 hours with a support band in the middle so we don;t get bored during the interval. Unrealistic, I know. Lucky you got to see Rush, though, I missed that one.
Now that you've said about bars. When i was in Portshmouth.I went to a bar-club, i think it was called Australia!? Anyway the funny think was that i saw people dancing and doing greek moves (sirtaki you know, Zorbas) with the music playing Police?!!They were on the tables dancing with Police?!!! You English people are nuts!
Mmurnau - Yeah, I was pretty lucky to see Rush! I couldn't believe what a great above-view I had either - I was about 20 feet away from Alex Lifeson! It was such a great gig! An awesome setlist and the guys were on top-notch form with a great sense of humour! I'll never forget it!
Sapator - If you think about it, the natural reaction of the audience to a song, whether it is new or old, will be instinctive. If I was you, I would not plan when to go mad for certain songs. That really defeats the whole reason why Rock 'n Roll exists, you know? I'm not sure which songs I'm going to go mad to until it happens.
As for us English dancing, Greek style, to 'The Police'?
I have no idea what these Greek dance terms are all about (you can educate me on that, OK? I like to learn about cultures and stuff!) but I do know that 'The Police' were a bloody great band!
Gregger said:
Poor PR decision in my view in the UK

I'm not going, Alex isnt and niether is my brother. Thats £45 down for a starters. You get a gig with 2,000 people in there. The majority go to see the old stuff not 6 new ones surely. I would have thought thats a great way to alienate the audience. They're never gonna get young peolple in as the bands too old. Where's the sense in that.

But hey what do I know I'm not a record company exec. Thats what I said on the other post, it seems to me that the albumn and tour are record company driven and that is gonna lose fans as it did in the 80's. But we all got to earn a living. Teach Biff to have his kids and private school!
Yeah save yourself some money Gregger. You can always go and see your beloved O/D Saxon at Butlins! Then have a game of bingo and try to get your five quid back!
Nightwar i don't plan it , it comes natural but i know that more energy will come to let's say Heavy Metal Thunder than English Man'o'War. So as i've said i will give more energy to may favorites and lay back and relax on the ones i don't like so much.
Also i did't say what i've said about dancing to swear the Police ( btw i really hate them and i hope they all die but let's just said i didn't write that).
I was refering to the caltural unsimilarity that i saw. Meaning that booze has strange effects on people. Well i'm not really the one that can educate you to the Greek culture of dancing cuz i hate like hell greek music , i despite it, i spit on the graves of the dead greek composers, got the idea?!
But on Summer you can go on a Greek island , Mykonos ( tixo tixo), Santorini(Thera),Paros,Rhodes,Kos,Krete, you won't be dissapointed. No metal at all but clubbing till the morning and A LOT OF BOOZEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Temperatures 30-45 degrees celcius so get you sun-tan ready!
The gig on Saturday was FAB!! Can't remember how many of the new songs they played - BUT...despite them being brand new songs, and given that the CD has only been out a week or two, the crowd were still singing those new songs right back at them :) My only "disappointment" was that they didn't do Denim and Leather, but what the heck, I'll cope :)

While I'm here, I have a bit of bitching to do myself! (I'm jumping on the bitching bandwagon that's going on lately!) :lol:

My pet hate is this...why, oh why, do people go down to the front, and insist on never ever moving away from that barrier, yet they don't join in with the gig in any way, shape or form! No singing, jumping, clapping - nothing!! I'm only 4' 10", so wherever I stand, my view isn't gonna be that great (unless I'm right at the front), but at least I'm there to have a good time and join in, and you would think that one of these barrier hoggers might let a little person in to see better if they have no intention of getting into it :Shedevil: And before anyone says, I know I have no more right to stand at the front than anyone else, and I also know that people have different ways of enjoying themselves, I'm just having a moan, that's all :)
What?! no Denim & Leather?!
I have no problem if they play the new stuff, in fact they can play every track off Lionheart (I love the album) but there is a bunch of classics they just can't leave out no matter what. If the gig has to be 4 hrs then be it.
Denim & Leather sure is one of them, really rocks live, so is 747, Princess, Wheels, Strong arm and of course Crusader.

I know what you mean, Sammi. As I'm the type of guy who just enjoys the music and the performance very silently and still (that's just the way I am), preferably with a beer, I always do it from the back and let people who want to go crazy up front. Just as long as I have a good view of the band. I would never stand in the way of true headbangers and if everybody up front would be like me I know Biff would get very bored, wouldn't want that...
Do not complain now!
You wanted 8 new songs right?!
So no Devim and Leather and shut up!
There's no way they can do that in greece and live in one peace!
Will get on the stage i tell you.
No Devim and Leather no Heavy Metal Thunder no Stallions of the Highway!