
How could i ever possibly think Blind Guardian were better than Iron Maiden? They both fucking rule and are my number 1 band!
While we are posting pictures of rad stuff like Manowar and swords i'd like to pay tribute to a great, great man.

"He does cocaine!"
Dio is cool and all, but Tate, Halford, and Mr. Dickinson's vocals appeal to me more. Don't know if that makes them better....
Dio IS the metal god! Not Halford or Dickinson. Good call with Tate but Tate is the most unmetal metal singer that ever lived and his voice hasn't survived too well unlike the mighty Dio. John Arch and Midnight are up there with Dio. Although theres some rather amusing footage of the reunited Crimson Glory playing in Greece. Midnight sings pretty good but he is definitely drunk or something.