12 NN - 1 PM - Otherside Cafe, 400 or something Newbury Street, Boston, MA
1 - 4 PM - 361 Newbury Street, Boston MA
4 - 4:10 PM - walking down Massachusetts Ave to the Mass Ave orange
Line station, boarding outbound train.
4:20 - 4:23 PM - walking up Green Street to my apartment
4:23 - 5:15 PM - chillin
5:15 - 5:30 PM - driving to alex's (xfer's) house: Green St, right on Centre St., merging onto S. Huntington Ave., Left onto Boylston St., Right onto Harvard St., Left onto Washington St., Left onto Snow St., Right onto Union St., Right onto Shannon St.
5:30 - 5:40 - bong hits or butts or soemthing
5:40 - head to interstate 95 southbound towards Gregland.
6:40 - arrive at airport, get boarding passes and stuff
7:10 - Eating at some shitty airport restaurant like TGIFriday's or something. The the perfect time to assassinate me as I'm lifting an elegantly braised mozzarella stick to my lips.
7:45 - kicking it at the airport
9:45 - Boarding 10:10 PM Flight 140 to Baltimore, MD, Southwest Airlines.
11:35 - stepping off plane into terminal at Baltimore airport. Another great time to assassinate me, preferably right as I'm about to embrace my dad with a smile on my cherubic face.
1 - 4 PM - 361 Newbury Street, Boston MA
4 - 4:10 PM - walking down Massachusetts Ave to the Mass Ave orange
Line station, boarding outbound train.
4:20 - 4:23 PM - walking up Green Street to my apartment
4:23 - 5:15 PM - chillin
5:15 - 5:30 PM - driving to alex's (xfer's) house: Green St, right on Centre St., merging onto S. Huntington Ave., Left onto Boylston St., Right onto Harvard St., Left onto Washington St., Left onto Snow St., Right onto Union St., Right onto Shannon St.
5:30 - 5:40 - bong hits or butts or soemthing
5:40 - head to interstate 95 southbound towards Gregland.
6:40 - arrive at airport, get boarding passes and stuff
7:10 - Eating at some shitty airport restaurant like TGIFriday's or something. The the perfect time to assassinate me as I'm lifting an elegantly braised mozzarella stick to my lips.
7:45 - kicking it at the airport
9:45 - Boarding 10:10 PM Flight 140 to Baltimore, MD, Southwest Airlines.
11:35 - stepping off plane into terminal at Baltimore airport. Another great time to assassinate me, preferably right as I'm about to embrace my dad with a smile on my cherubic face.