attn: motw fans re: new album

I am also one of the people he gave them to. He said very seriously not to share, and of course, I did not share it. I have now deleted it all from my computer. Organic's story is completley true, and he has been totally honest with you guys. I made no copies on to CD-Rs, and I let nobody else listen to them. They are gone from my computer, and emptied from the recycle bin. Sorry for all the problems.

Hi, I'm the third. I listened to the demos the night that they were sent to me because I was so giddy about hearing the new album. The next day, I felt insanely guilty, and deleted all the files. I'm genuinely sorry that I put you in this situation, but I can guarantee you that the files are deleted, and they will never be leaked under any circumstance.

Again, I completely understand how you feel, and I tried to solve the problem as best I could. I am deeply sorry for what has happened.

EDIT: One more thing I'd like to add, I don't think it was anyone's fault that these songs were found by Organic. It was just dumb luck.

EDIT2: I don't know if you want to hear this, but the album had the most beautiful music I've heard in a long time. I can't wait for the album to be released.
I also have deleted my files. I deeply regret offending the band, obviously. I am sorry for the trouble this has caused. The other offending party not accounted for has also deleted his MP3s.

I'd like to thank the people giving me a fair chance (though I know that I am certainly in the wrong, here, by originally having these MP3s) and apologize once again to Toby.

By the way, Ominous Luminous, I obviously have all three albums. I just needed to download a song to check something.
screwdriverqueen said:
Now I feel bad. This is a mess. We should forget it. No one should feel awful and like someone said, we can all be more cautious in the future.


That takes a load off... I (and at least two of the others for sure, but I assume all of us) were worried about you guys still being pissed at us....
That takes a load off... I (and at least two of the others for sure, but I assume all of us) were worried about you guys still being pissed at us....

It sure does. I felt like shit all day after I first saw this thread. Thanks for being so cool, guys. :wave:
You used the word! Vehemence! CD-r burning I think will never stop. It is a losing battle for sure. I learn about alot of bands by downloading them, then if i like them and if it is a rareband, usually i like rare bands with not that much recognition, most are badd ass. Ill seek and buy there cd, other wise, i have a cd-rspindles with 100's of burned music for tours, also so the original cds of mine dont get scratched.
Ominous Luminous said:
What exactly is a maudlin of the well fan doing downloading a legit song from the site to begin with? Shouldn't someone who is a fan already have the legit song in the form of an album? I guess what I am asking is, was the original legit song a demo song, or something from one of the albums? I'm not saying that you can't be a fan just based on a show that you saw them at, I'm just pointing out how fishy this story sounds.
As if my opinion matters.

You, my friend, are an idiot. I would have done the exact same thing; there is nothing "fishy" about it in the least.

while we're ending things, i'd like an end put to Mr. Schwarzenegger's delusions of gubernatorial grandeur.