Audio editing software


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Can I use Nero Wave Editor or WavePad to re-EQ music files that have been normalised to the point of distortion? How about boosting volume or filtering out vinyl hiss and crackle?

I must confess I have no idea what I'm doing with either of these programs but I'm cursed with a pair of very fussy ears. Any tips would be appreciated :).

I'm assuming you're talking digital music here. If they're distorted then they're distorted. You can't really "undistort" a signal, because the signal has been destroyed, and computers are remarkably bad at guessing what a signal *should* be.

There are programs that can work wonders with vinyl crackle though, but they can also affect sharp sounds in the music too, like drum hits and the like.