Audio Interface For Recording Drums


Devour Thy Sins
May 12, 2009
Hey up guys.

I need something that has 8 x Mic/Line Inputs with Preamps for recording drums. I currently use the Firestudio Project, But I want something with more kick, better quality, better build and more reliable. I am willing to spend up to £1200. I thought I would ask you guys on here encase you have used an interface that would suit what I need and let me know if it does the job.

So...What do you suggest?
Brilliant. Sounds good. How easy is it to connect those 2 devices together and will they run nicely together?

Can I get opinions on this device? is it going to be any good?

Also how does Andy Sneap or other pro producers/engineers for example connect their devices to their computer(s). Firewire? USB? PCI? or another way?

And which way of connection will produce best results?

Thanks for your help.
I'd say firewire is the best apart from dedicated pci-e cards (like rme hdsp's n shit). I'd stay away from the phonic and just go for a proper interface on its own, you get more of what you want (quality pre's and dac's, and less faders and routing options which I doubt you will need)

The fireface and octopre can be connected through analogue ins and outs or by digital adat with the £105 expansion card.

If you buy the Octamic D, all you have to do is connect an ADAT cable between both of the interefaces and they work great. I have a Fireface800 and an Octamic D currently and have used them for about a year consistently with no problems. I think RME is a little step up from a Firepod but it's still not API so I'm honestly not sure if things will get THAT much better for you. I've heard great mixes with the Firepod's FWIW.