
Apr 5, 2008
So I'm going to be recording a metalcore band :bah: in a couple weeks with a male screaming vocalist and a female clean singer. All I have for vocal mics at the moment is a Rode NT-1, which has done alright on dirty vocals in the past, but I want to pick up another mic for the girl. Ideally I'd like to get the AT4060, but the 4033/4050/4047 are more in my price range. Anybody have any input on those three, or have something similar to suggest in the $400-700 price range? Btw, my signal chain is basically going to be Mic-->Presonus Digimax 96k-->003 Rack, maybe hit the limiter on the digimax but do all the eq/compression/efx later.
Why not try an SM7? Works great on clean and dirty vocals, and runs quite a bit less than all of those...


Yeah, I was considering that too... I was going to get one eventually for a screaming mic, I just don't know if I like the idea of using a dynamic mic on female vocals. But hey if it sounds good then oh well. Is my digimax going to have enough gain to drive it? I just got it today and I'm at work so I don't know it very well yet
Yeah, I was considering that too... I was going to get one eventually for a screaming mic, I just don't know if I like the idea of using a dynamic mic on female vocals. But hey if it sounds good then oh well. Is my digimax going to have enough gain to drive it? I just got it today and I'm at work so I don't know it very well yet

Female vocalists: It works, deal with it. This is not one of those situations where the categorical stereotypes of "SM7s are only for screamers, growlers, Michael Jackson, well-trained melodic vocalists like Warrel Dane, female operatic singers like... oh, fuck it" will help. Use it, if something doesn't work it means you've broken music.

As for gain... I don't know how much gain your unit provides, but you don't need to worry as much about squeezing out that last few decibels of gain if you're running 24-bit. Even if you have to run a small booster before it, or raise the gain digitally after it's in the board, you'll be fine.

As for gain... I don't know how much gain your unit provides, but you don't need to worry as much about squeezing out that last few decibels of gain if you're running 24-bit. Even if you have to run a small booster before it, or raise the gain digitally after it's in the board, you'll be fine.

In fact, when I'm dealing with bands who want to record stuff on their own I always have to emphasize how much more important it is to not have clipping, yet very often the pre would be overloading at some point. I guess a hi-end tube pre would be an exception but how many bands have one of those.
Right on
Yeah I'm definitely not going to argue that you have to use a condenser on a female, I just haven't tried anything else yet since the audio school I went to is stuck in the 70s and discouraged experimentation most of time.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the AT4050, except that you could instead buy an SM7 for half that price and send me the other $300 because I'm awesome.
