Aurora Borealis make entire discography available for FREE!!

Ok Sorry high and Mighty Cliff, Mr well respected forum member. I was not aware that you could have a social standing on a internet forum. I guess i better stop talking before all hell rains down upon me.

Nightreaper, How does one earn respect on an internet forum? I thought that is what i was doing the last 15 years of making and releasing music.
Once again, no issues on people downloading just thought I would make it legal. Why do you people keep saying I think i am doing a favor to someone. I am simply giving away a product free and legal, do you not understand that?

Flappy, glad you liked the stuff. My intentions were good when i came here and then one guy started a shit storm of negativity. Maybe I should not have fed into it but none the less it keeps the thread moving.

Charli, where do i start with why labels suck. To boil it down to as simple as can be stated. They take advantage of you. I know labels that have went to far to use two press plants to hide the true pressing number of cds and then not account for sales through mailorder, only store sales. They always say you are in the hole when you know damn well you aren't. I know most of the members of some of the larger bands in the death metal world and just about all of them have problems with their labels. Try asking around. I think they stick with labels because they don't have the funds to do it themselves or simply just don't want the hassle. I guess the only good thing a label brings is tour support as minimal as it usually is. i can go on for days on why labels suck. I have another band that was also on a pretty good label with worldwide in store dist and it also sucked. Even guys like COB who should be making much more than they are are being taken advantage of. There is virtually no money in this genre even for the bigger bands. The future of the record label is bleak and it is just a matter of time before all bands choose to be independent.
I was not aware that you could have a social standing on a internet forum.

Just as much news to me :Spin:

But seriously, this thread is just Spam for your band. Everyone posts their band here, most of them also have really poorly written paragraph that they didn't proof read as well.

But I don't think any of them have implied we're they are the ones doing us a favor. Or expected us to know who they were just because they've been around for so long. I'm not the one who told you to spend 15 years of your life on a band that can't sell more than 2000 records, no reason to get so upset with me :lol:.

I mean. I was sure you were a 14 year old trying to troll us because the story sounded so lame :lol:
Of course this thread is spam for my band.
This is called self promotion. One guy on here said he thought my stuff was quite good, that in itself makes the post worth it.

Also you must understand bands in the underground selling more than 2000 copies are a success. There are many smaller labels that wish their bands could sell that.
It is a success none the less, Maybe not on the scale of say 20 thousand units like a children of Bodom, but then again they are considered failures when it comes to comparing them to mainstream pop music that sells 2 million so the comparison is all relative.

I am quite happy selling 2000 copies at $10 each. Do you math that is 20k.

COB more than likely get a little over $1.00 for each cd sold so even selling 20 thousand units is not that great. Divide that by 4 or 5 members and They all get a whopping $4000 each for a new cd release. Good thing they tour or they would have nothing. They also more than likely had to split or sell merchandising rights with the label as well or to an alternate company such as blue grape. It just keeps getting worse and worse to be on a label doesn't it?

Once again the future is in independent music. It is really sad when a band that works as hard as COB make less than (me) what you consider a failure.
so the record label guys are stealin everything... well with the development of sound technology labels are gonna become obsolete if they don't do a good job fullfilling the artist's needs
charli, Not everything. They are leaving scraps so the band can just survive long enough to squeeze every last drop of blood and money out of the bands. Then they are abandoned.
If any band says they are happy with their label, they are either on their own label of lying. You usually hear about the problems after the split a few years down the line.
yeah. you mentioned that the only good thing they bring is tour support? What do you mean by tour support?
Well I guess I should have been more clear. It appears to be a good thing about tour support, meaning they front money for Bus, Hotel, Food etc. Remember that is not free money, you pay every last cent back to the label for anything they appear to "Give" you. Think of it as more like a loan. It keeps the band always in debt.
if a label guy pays for a mcdonals burger, you pay for it in the end. They keep track of verything and often times over inflate the costs to show you are in more debt. Lying cheating scum. One of my labels showed that their ad campaign for one of my cds was sky high and in reality i know for a fact how much ads in each of the magazines they took out cost. they showed way more. In all my press statements prior to releasing this cd I said I will not sign to a label. i had 3 offers as well. I really believe the future is independent.
I am quite happy selling 2000 copies at $10 each. Do you math that is 20k.

COB more than likely get a little over $1.00 for each cd sold so even selling 20 thousand units is not that great. Divide that by 4 or 5 members and They all get a whopping $4000 each for a new cd release.

It is really sad when a band that works as hard as COB make less than (me) what you consider a failure.

Your argument is based on assumption alone. Even if they only made that much per CD, they still make CONSIDERABLY more from selling merch, in various retail outlets around the world as well as their shows, on top of touring.

If you want to work on speculation, than maybe you're former label simply did a poor job of organizing tours for you because they know how well you're stuff will sell at each show, and how many fans you'll bring in to the building.

Also, 20k isn't really that much when we are discussing a career (assuming the cost to have those albums pressed, booklet printed, and shipping is ALL FREE), especially when you are in your late 30s-40s. I mean, add merch and touring on top of that, and I doubt you make 40k a year. Also assuming you aren't just farting out 3-4 albums a year. Rock and Roll life sounds a lot more appealing when you're 16.
ok got it :$ makes me feel good cuz I said no when we got offered our first deal.. because atm I didn't even graduate...

I've always thought that bands like CoB or Arch Enemy deserved more money than what they receive, actually, Angela G. talked about this in one interview iirc.
Imma go for independent promotion u know online and doing what we can ourselves, I guess you have to really really love music if you wanna be a full time musician, or have money.
They may be based off of assumption when it comes to COB and the exact cent amount, but as i said before I am very good friends with many bands who are much larger than my own. They all say the same thing. A little checking into my band will show you some of the best drummers in the world have played on my albums. The fact is I know NO band in a COB situation gets more than $1.50 per unit. That is not assumption it is FACT.

Also maybe you did not read my other posts but it is a very rare situation when a band holds on to their own merhandising. So many bands have been screwed out of most of their money from merchandise it is incredible.
The only smarty guy i know that does his own is Dani Filth and he is an asshole but a smart asshole none the less. I know the former drummer from his band as well, so I know what COF make, or made a few years back. Cannibal Corpse are another prime example, also friends of mine, they have been screwed out of thousands of dollars over their career thanx to bluegrape merch.

Also it is fact every cent a label gives you you must pay back. This is well known in the music world, maybe not on a forum but it is not speculation at all.

You are also correct in saying 20k isnt that much for each cd, but i can say I have had over 7 albums out from my two bands and when you X's that by 7 that is 140k not too bad huh. Consider that my band is also not my carrer, i own a recording studio, Check it out. We pull 6 figures a year, so yeah I would say my career is awesome at this point. Another reason I am giving away my music for free. Also pressing cd's costs practically nothing, less than $1.00 per unit. My company also does that.

The fact is i do know what i am talking about in great detail. I have never had a job not relating to playing, writing or recording music in my life, so in this case, yeah i know what I am saying.
Charli, you are right, with everything you said.

Also is is not uncommon for a person in angela's situation to complain about what they get paid.

The fact is they do deserve more and wont get it. They all work hard and have nothing to show forth at the end of their careers except a mountain of debt.
I guess...
I've always wanted to run a studio and have a band or two like yourself, did you go to music school? I'm planning getting a music production tuition.
Charli, yes I went to the Atlanta institute of music. (AIM)
I went for guitar not recording, that is something i always wanted to do along with playing music. It just so happened playing metal does not pay but recording does. I love working with bands all the time, even other genres. Its a great field but also a dying field due to low cost recording etc.
luckily in my country most people dont yet know what is a vst so i could take anvantage.... but theres also a much smaller metal (even guitar oriented) scene than in the us, than sucks I can never see my favorite bands
I'm not really sure if you're right with your money speculations Aurora. A band like COB MUST earn enough money. See, they bring out a new album every 2 years. During this time they are on tour, in studio, holiday, give interviews, present new equipment, lot of free-time, partys. They are 5 guys + all those guys around the band - the COBHC.
What I want to say is that every band member definitely has around 1500-2000€ monthly (cd's, merch, touring,..). Let's say 2000€ x 5= 10000€ x 12 = 120000€ minimum every year. And COB is definitely one of the most popular metal bands nowadays.

Edit... I just read that Relentless, Reckless, Forever was sold over 100.000 times world wide till now. And the album is out since march... So 300.000 € + could be much more correct