Aurora Borealis make entire discography available for FREE!!

Yeah if you get involved you may get a few decent years out of recording but it takes a very long time to learn the art of mixing , mastering etc. I have been doing it for over 18 years and I am still learning every day.
Like I said with technology it is a dying field and everyone seems to think they can just make their own cd's at home now so the window is closing fast.
Arcane I think your calculations are WAY off.
This is the biggest misconception of fans who just see their idols on stage and think they make all this money.
If you think each member makes 120000 E each year i really dont know what to say. That number is so far off the mark it isnt even remotely in the ball park.

Your own words tell a different story. Once again Touring Costs money,

1.When you saw COB were they in Bus? If so that costs between $300 and $400 a day not including the driver,
2. Drivers make another $150 or more a day
3. lets not forget gas at 9 miles to the gallon with gas prices sky rocketing right now.
4.Now they must pay roadies. (who in some situations make more than the actual band members)
5. Now factor in 3 ,meals a day
6. hotels every other night.
It costs a small fortune to tour.
7.Merch is always split between band and label usually not in the bands favor.
My calculations show nothing left.
All that money comes from the label and the band MUST pay that back.

Sure they make enough to live but thats about it. I have had so many conversations regarding this with many major bands. Even though COB are very popular in metal right now they may have signed a 6 album deal with Nuclear Blast where they are LOCKED in for a set Dollar amount over a set time period. You guys are not factoring in all of these things.

And as far as you saying they do interviews, almost NEVER do bands get paid for this. Presenting New instruments, this comes from endorsement deals where usually only gear is given to the band. All you see is the glamor they present on stage. It is a Falsehood that bands make alot of money in this genre and that is 100% accurate. Just read the post earlier when a forum member said Arch Enemy front person complaining about what her band makes. She is realizing as most bands do over time that the lifestyle cannot last forever so the must think about other avenues to make money.
As to your lady gaga comment, No not at this current time do i feel she would make as much without her label, however this too will change in a few years. That is why Guys as huge as Jayz end up making their own labels or buying a portion of the labels they are on.
People are getting RAPED by the labels and always have been only now can something be done about it.
Dude, you need to read before you answer. First, I have said 120.000 for the band, not for every person (And I think I'm way more correct with 300k+). Second, I have never said that they don't have any expenses. They have them like every other person. Thirdly, I have never said they get paid for interviews. It was a possible list of what they are doing in 2 years.
Guys like JayZ are making their own labels just because they can.
I just listend to a few of your samples on your homepage and to be honest... I'm not a big fan of that kind of music but the production is really bad. Drums - especially the bass drum - sounds like shit and the guitars are horrible. Even some songs on those COBOT - The Album (you can download them here are better in quality. And all songs are made from bedroom guitarists.
Anyways, I'm downloading one of your albums atm and hope that it is a bit better
Arcane, Yeah i do read and i still am 100% sure you are way off. We will just have to agree to disagree but when COB members are selling their guitars and shit on ebay in 5 years remember this conversation. Simple math is all it takes to have a general idea what bands get paid. Even if they sold 50 thousand units they would not be making what you said.
if they are smart with what little money they do get maybe they will have a decent future but look how many millionaires lost entire fortunes over a few years.

Jayz is making his own label because he needs more money and is greedy. He has to pay for his 10th mansion. It is his American Greedy capitalistic attitude.

A simple internet search will show you how fed up bands are with labels.

Sorry you did not like my productions. i am not sure which one you downloaded but admittedly 15 years ago i did not have much money and i know some of them are bad. if you think the new one is bad, once again we will have to agree to disagree. i think it is flawless.

Emptier, Yeah most of the reviews out there on our stuff is superb, of course there are bad ones here and there but most that you find will be positive. I sincerely hope you enjoy it, It is free so please check it out and if you don't like it nothing is lost except a few min of time.
Arcane, I just checked out some of your videos on youtube, and no offense but are like 15 years old?? You have a lot to learn about finances and the real world of being a professional musician.

On another note for your age you are a decent guitar player. Even though we disagree on things I still wish you luck with your future as a musician.
luckily in my country most people dont yet know what is a vst so i could take anvantage.... but theres also a much smaller metal (even guitar oriented) scene than in the us, than sucks I can never see my favorite bands

a laptop with ezdrummer vst = not a studio
Arcane, I just checked out some of your videos on youtube, and no offense but are like 15 years old?? You have a lot to learn about finances and the real world of being a professional musician.

oh man you gotta come up with better insults. also...i dont get the connection? is his guitar playing showing his financial skills?

you sound too much like a musician who didnt have success and just rants about the mean evil business. they dont want you when they dont need you. deal with it.
Aurora... I will show you something. It's simple math in your words:

They sold 100k copies of RRF in 3 months. I guess they will sell another 100k in the next 9 months. So 200k copies. 200k * 1€ = 200k €. I don't know what they get for one live gig but I assume around 5000€ (even some of our local cover bands get 1000-2000€ for one gig). If they play around 50 live gigs in 1 year = 50 * 5000 = 25k. Plus at least 50k merch + recepits for their older albums around 25k.

= around 300k. And dude, nobody said that they will earn that much every year. Even if I'm wrong and it's 50k less, it's enough.

The JayZ thing you've mentioned is bullshit because it has nothing to do with what you said record labels are. He is rich and was rich before he makes his own label and the only reason he's building his own label is to become more rich. Other rappers are making their own shoes. Not because they're unsatisfied with nike, they just want to make more money.

I'm 27 btw
As to your lady gaga comment, No not at this current time do i feel she would make as much without her label, however this too will change in a few years. That is why Guys as huge as Jayz end up making their own labels or buying a portion of the labels they are on.
People are getting RAPED by the labels and always have been only now can something be done about it.

Jay Z was a multi-millionaire before he recorded his first album.
you sound too much like a musician who didnt have success and just rants about the mean evil business. they dont want you when they dont need you. deal with it.
Damn kids these days, no respect for their elders.

Ron Vento: Guitars & Vocals
[ All Albums ]

Tim Yeung: Drums
[ Time Unveiled ]

Derik Roddy: Drums
[ Northern Lights, Praise the Archaic Lights Embrace ]

Jason Ian-Vaughn Eckert: Bass Guitar
[ Praise the Archaic Lights Embrace,
TIMELINE: The Beginning And End Of Everything]

Tony Laureano: Drums
[ Mansions of Eternity, Relinquish ]

Mark Green: Drums
[ TIMELINE: The Beginning And End Of Everything]

So it seems there has only been one person to not realize the band is going nowhere and stayed on this long.
:lol: ! Sehr gut :D!

Wow, this thread is getting a ton of attention. This is exactly what happens on forums like this, it gets tons of hits thanx to you little kids that only want to insult people. It is over 300 views and even though only less than 10 people are posting negative things I guarantee another 30 actually liked what was posted for free, so let me thank you kiddies for the help and support and stirring up trouble.

Snowy that was not an insult it was a question you idiot.
I have to admit your caption to the tony photo was funny however. Too bad he blows away most of the drummers out there fat or not.

I guess i am not a success making 9 albums and working only in a recording studio making 6 figures. Uhhhhh yeah.

Arcane Great calculations now where are all the expenses deducted from your calculations. Oh that's right you didn't do that yet.

Cliff, what about the boatload of other stars that started their own labels, you guys are morons if you think bands are treated well by labels. Thats what happens when you never get out of the your bedroom in your patrents house into the real world. You just assume your idols are rich because you are so overtaken by their magic. Just ask your idols next time you get a chance.
As to your comment on "seems like no one stayed in the band very long". Remember we are just a studio project band. I get who's schedule can match up. Derek Roddy was supposed to to the new cd this time around but the scheduling of his clinics for sonar would not allow him to do it.

Macharius , yeah old monitors for sure. That picture was from around 8 years ago, check out the new studio photos. It takes time to build a studio and you have to sacrifice in some places for a little while.